
Oy…Godiva tried to kill us in spin class today! I knew I was in trouble when she said “I’m going on a cruise in April…” Aww, hell. LOL We’re all going to suffer for the sake of YOUR bikini? It’s ok…I just imagined that the workout was for MY trip to St. Thomas in June. It has to be tight and right…


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=250 align=right border=1

<FONT face=verdana size=1
Turkey sausage-2pts

Lean ground beef-4pts
Whole Wheat hamburger bun-2pts
Vegetarian baked beans (1/2 cup)-2pts
Green beans-0pts

Afternoon snack
String cheese-2pts

Oven “fried” perch fillet-5pts
Baked sweet potato-3pts

Evening snack
SF Jello-0pts

Total Daily Points: 26

As you know, I’m a member of the activities committee at work. I thought it would be “cute” to sell carnations as a Valentine’s Day fundraiser. My office is fairly small (140 people), so surely it wouldn’t turn into a major project, right? We sold over 400 flowers! Good Lawd, what was I thinking?

I’m heading to the office now to sort and tag with a fellow committee member. These little rays of sunshine will have to be delivered tomorrow morning. I’ll be walking the office for awhile…I guess it’s cardio, right? :::looking down at my ass::: Maybe I should run the office.

Just found out that my boys will be heading to Big D next month. I must see them…


Hope everyone has a great Sunday. It’s beautiful in Dallas. 71 degrees and sunny. I might take B&B for a walk after I return from the Greenhouse.


Until next time…

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February 13, 2005

ooh you are so lucky that it is that warm out there! how do you like your spinning class?

I so love Maroon 5. They are cute and their songs are awesome. Yes, St. Thomas, I almost went there this week. Aahh, not a good idea. Well, keep working hard. Smooches…

February 14, 2005

It didn’t get quite that warm here, but we were able to open all of the windows in our house. YAY!