Success Files: Tamika

It’s that time again! The latest success story is PhatPrincessDiva. She has been a great source of support to me…not to mention my fashion/cosmetic partner in crime. Congrats on the 18s, Diva…you are FABULOUS!



1. What program are you using and when did you start?
I follow the LA Weight Loss plan and I have been OP since June 2002. I was losing on my own starting from late February 2002.


2. With all of the weight loss programs/diets available, what made you decide on L.A. Weight Loss?
I chose LA Weight Loss because their plan fit my lifestyle, I receive one-on-one counseling, and their food plan was clearly laid out for me.


3. How much weight have you lost?
As of September 20, 2002, I have lost 47 pounds.


4. What is your favorite aspect of the program?
It works for me. There are special plans that you can follow when you hit a plateau. These plans have always worked for me when I have experienced small gains or have been stuck at a certain weight for a period of time.


5. Favorite low calorie/low fat snacks
Pirate’s Booty and sugar free jello.


6. Do you plan to work in the fitness/weight loss industry?
I’m considering it. I’ve been thinking about working for LA WL in the near future.


7. Favorite weight loss moment or milestone?
I have a few. Fitting on the airplane seat comfortably was amazing. Fitting into a size 18 tankini was an exciting moment. My forty pound loss a very proud moment for me as well.



8. What is your typical exercise program?
I injured my knee so my exercise regime can be sporatic, depending on how my knee wants to cooperate. I like to do workouts that are fun, like Salsa dancing. I also like videos that get results like The FIRM.


9. What tips would you like to offer weight loss newbies?
Be patient with yourself. You didn’t gain the weight overnight so you won’t be able to lose it all overnight, either. Drink your water. Aim for 64 ounces at least per day. Read your food labels. Monitor your salt intake. You’d be surprised by how much salt is in the foods we eat. Journal what you eat. If you aren’t willing to write it down, you shouldn’t be willing to put it in your mouth. Find someone to be accountable to for your actions. Set your goal weight at something that is reasonable and attainable for you and your body. Don’t let society decide how much you think you should weight. And lastly, never let the scale determine your worth. Don’t ever give up and don’t be afraid to try different things to find out what works for you.


10. How do you plan to reward yourself for reaching goal weight?
I plan on taking a week vacation to an all-exclusive resort in Jamaica and an all new wardrobe as well.



Cick here to visit Tamika’s website…



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Very inspiring. 🙂

September 24, 2002

RYN: Welcome back. You’ve got a lot to catch up on. 😉

September 24, 2002

Wow, she looks fabulous!!!! I like the idea of having someone to hold you accountable…I never thought of that.

September 24, 2002

well done for the princess!

I’m so honored that you picked me to be September’s Success Story. Thanks, Diva!

look at her all sexy and stuff! ryn: who knows. dumbasses.

Way to go : ) I agree she is very inspiring and she looks fabulous ; )

September 29, 2002

Wowza, what a foxy lady! Brilliant!