Success Files: Lynn

It’s motivation time again! I know Lynn from the Sistahs on Weight Watchers
board. Her story is definitely inspirational…and the pictures are amazing!

1. When did you start Weight Watchers? December
11, 2001

2. With all of the weight loss programs/diets available, what made you choose
WW? My weight had really gotten out of control and it was
starting to terrify me. In the midst of this revelation, I switched jobs and met
my friend Ellen. She had been doing WW with a program that met in our building.
The first time she invited me, I told her no. She did show me how flexible the
program was and dispelled the myth that I would have to eat WW meals to do the
program. So the next time they had rollover for at work program, I said why not
and signed up.

3. How much weight have you lost? As of last weigh in I have lost 141.6lbs. At one time I was down
145.1lbs. I have been battling the 260 decade for a few months. I now believe it
is a true plateau. I get through it though. I have come way too

4. What is your favorite aspect of the WW program?
The flexibility in what I can eat. Once you tell me that I
can’t have something, I shut completely down. WW allows me to enjoy all of the
things that I want. I do not feel deprived.

5. Favorite low
point snacks?
The flexibility in what I can eat. Once you tell
me that I can’t have something, I shut completely down. WW allows me to enjoy
all of the things that I want. I do not feel deprived.

6. Do
you plan to become a leader? If so, why?
I would like to become
a leader. I believe that if it were not for my leader encouraging me, I would
not be where I am right now. I want to give that same feeling to someone else.
Also, I have not met a leader who has had to lose more than 65-100 pounds. I
want to be the leader that can say I lost over 200lbs. Allowing people to know
that their journey is possible.

7. Favorite WW moment? (i.e. meeting Fergie, receiving an award,etc.)
My favorite moment when all of the 100lb losers in my WW region
were invited to the yearly regional meeting to walk the runway in the 100lb
Winners Extravaganza! We wore sashes and actually walked a runway with our
before pictures projected behind us. It was great. There were many tears of joy.
We ended with a dinner with live entertainment.

8. What is your typical exercise program? On a regular day,
10 minutes stationary bike warm up, 30 minutes treadmill, 45 min weight training
on either arms or legs. On my cardio only days, I do 30 minutes on the stair
climber and 30 minutes on the Precor (elliptical trainer). I have recently added
a toning class once a week.

9. What tips would you like to offer program newbies?

–Do this for yourself and no one else.
-Do not set
unrealistic goals. Just because you lost 5lbs 2 weeks in a row, don’t expect
that type of loss throughout your entire journey.
-Journal, Journal, and oh
by the way, Journal!
-Drink water.
-When you cheat, you are only hurting

10. How do you plan to reward yourself for reaching goal weight? I believe that I will reward myself by going on the biggest shopping trip
known to man, or by going on a cruise or something. Either of those accompanied
by a Goal party will suffice.

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January 2, 2004

WOW!!! She looks AWESOME!!!!! She must be tall cuz she sure doesn’t look like she weighs 260! Pass on to her that she ROCKS and CONGRATS 🙂 🙂

January 2, 2004

woohoo!!! i was wondering when the next Success File would appear! she looks AB-FAB. 🙂

Wowie. She’s beautiful and looks so happy. She’s done so great– also, I think you should fill this out for yourself. You are definintely an inspiration for anyone– especially yourself. Oh yea- another thing… I recently started reading this diary, right? Well last night I went through all the inspirators and I felt proud to be up to date when I saw that this was posted!

January 2, 2004

You look GREAT in that red…cute hair too!

January 2, 2004

WOW…thanks. She is beautiful & an inspiration.

January 2, 2004

She is gorgeoues and this inspires me to lose weight in the new year!

January 2, 2004


January 2, 2004

Another story that puts getting my big butt to the Gym tomorrow first on the list.

January 2, 2004

RYN: Obviously I did not read this well enough…can you forgive me for mistaking you for another beautiful woman?

Thanks for the file, Diva! I just started WW today and needed that to inspire me further. Both of you ladies are so beautiful and are clear proof that sistas’ can be fit and healthy too! -AW

January 2, 2004

Great story… as usual. Thanks for sharing!

January 2, 2004


January 4, 2004

Wow, what a lovely lady and an inspiration!

What a great story : ) She looks fabulous!

You go Lynn.