Success Files: Lesli

Ok, I know I’m a bit tardy with this month’s success story. Please forgive, por favor. 🙂



Every month I will feature a fellow weight loss diva (or divO) and share their story. Anyone that is following a healthy weight loss plan is eligible for the honor. 🙂


This month’s weight loss ROCK STAR is TheLassThatLost!


1. When did you start your weight loss program?
I started Weight Watchers on Sept. 5, 2001.


2. With all of the weight loss programs/diets available, what made you decide to choose WW?
Actually, I didn’t make a "choice" per se. My mom called and asked if I would be a weight loss buddy with her and my step-dad since they had joined WW. I promised to attend one meeting and the rest is history. 🙂 That I have stuck with it is proof of how wonderfully simple Winning Points really is.


3. How much weight have you lost?
As of July 31, 2002, I have lost 75 pounds.


4. What is your favorite aspect of the WW program?
Flexibility and accountability. I can’t think of any other program that allows one to actually CHOOSE pizza, fried chicken, or steak as well as fruits, veggies, and low-fat meals. If I make the wrong choices, I’m held accountable — the scale will get it’s revenge — through weekly weigh-ins.


5. Favorite low point snacks?
Pretzels, carrots, celery sticks, Nutrigrain bars, Quaker Chewy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk bars. If I’m dying for sweets, Werther’s hard candies (3 for 1 pt) or Lifesavers Pep-O-Mints (4 for 1 pt).


6. Do you plan to become a leader? If so, why?
Yes, I want to be a leader. I could mention the usual feel good messages — helping others, giving back to a company that changed my life — which are all true, but there is more to it. WW doesn’t have enough "100+ lost" leaders. I think there are issues — exercise, personal struggles, etc — that need to be addressed in meetings, and there need to be more leaders that have losted and maintained on the Winning Points system.


7. Favorite WW moment? (i.e. meeting Fergie, receiving an award, etc.)
There are two. When you (WW Diva) hit 100 lbs lost. Watching you trying to keep it together made me realize just how much emotional fortitude it takes to lose the extra pounds. The other is the day I hit 75 lbs lost and nearly broke my ankle jumping around the scale. I was like a 5-year old with a much-desired birthday present — instead of the obnoxious instant multi-millionaire.


8. What is your typical exercise program?
Normally, I work out 30-45 minutes/6 days/week. 3 days walk/run. 2 days biking or swimming.


9. What tips would you like to offer program newbies?
Read the literature! WW gives you the material for a reason — there is a lot to learn in those booklets. Also, find/create a support system. There are A LOT of groups online and in real life.


10. How do you plan to reward yourself for reaching goal weight?
I have several ideas floating around in my brain. Some are: Levi button-flys, skydiving, an entirely new wardrobe, a trip to Scotland, celebrating with family and friends, a tattoo.


Click here to visit TheLassThatLost’s homepage.




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August 7, 2002

And just as a little plug….my website has all new layout and graphics. LOL. Shameless, I’m absolutely shameless!! Thanks much for making me this month’s rockstar!!

August 8, 2002

Good works for the Lass. Thumbs up.

August 9, 2002

She looks wonderful!