Success Files: Jennifer

It’s holiday motivation time! Jennifer was my first WW buddy. We met on the WW boards early last year and have been friends ever since.

It’s been great sharing this journey with you, chica. I appreciate the friendship and support. You look faboo, dahling! Continued success!

1. When did you start your weight loss program?

April 3, 2001

2. With all of the weight loss programs/diets available, what made you choose Weight Watchers?

It wasn’t a diet, it was a lifestyle change. It treats weight loss like a “condition” that requires a lifetime of maintenance, not as a quick fix that doesn’t solve the problems. It teaches you how to eat real food and live in the real world, not eat out of a box or chug shakes.

3. How much weight have you lost?

As of 12/21/02, a whopping 102 pounds!!! 🙂

4. What is your favorite aspect of the WW program?

The freedom. NOTHING is forbidden 🙂 I can have a daily treat and not have to worry that I’m blowing it. I can eat what I want, when I want, I just have to count it 🙂

5. Favorite low point snacks?

94% fat free Kettle Corn. It’s the best sweet/salty food out there. Also, Fat Free Jello Pudding cups with FF Cool Whip for added bulk 🙂 YUM! Baked Lays rock too…I think I could answer this question for days, so I’ll stop here before I start raiding the cabinets!

6. Do you plan to become a leader? If so, why?

I would really like to, if I find the time! I think it’s important for WW to have more leaders that lost a significant amount of weight. My very first leader the first time I was on WW back in the mid 90’s had lost 131 pounds, and I found her SO inspirational. I really felt like she understood my plight.

My next two leaders had lost about 30 each, and I felt like they never really “got it”. I think that it’s hard for someone with a significant amount of weight to lose to draw inspiration from someone who doesn’t know what it’s like to be truly obese.

7. Favorite WW moment? (i.e. meeting Fergie,receiving an award, etc.)

Getting to show off my before clothes at my meeting this Saturday and having my leader say “We need to move on or ~I’m~ gonna start crying!” My mom and dad were with me and I just was so overwhelmed with emotion. I was crying like a big old baby when I had that magnet in my hand! 🙂

8. What is your typical exercise program?

My wife and I recently took up Yoga and we LOVE it!Anyone who says it’s not real exercise hasn’t tried it. I also have been trying to get to at least one aqua-fitness class per week. That added to lots of walking the dog keeps me about as active as I have the time for.

9. What tips would you like to offer program newbies?

Don’t be a food nazi — If you are really, truly craving something, HAVE IT! Just don’t consume it in mass quanities…and don’t beat yourself up if you have a bad meal, or even a bad day or bad week. As the old song goes, “Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.” Oh, and drink your water!I don’t care if it’s boring and plain and blah, it’s good for you, so DRINK IT, DAMMIT!!!! *LOL*

10. How do you plan to reward yourself for reaching goal weight?

Lots and lots of new clothes! My closet is so empty these days that I have dusty hangers!

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I am so looking forward to January 2, 2003! (That’s the day I’m committed to getting back on program…) Happy Holidays to you and yours!

RYN: And Merry Christmas to you!! I hope you and your family had a wonderful time together. (I also hope you post some photos!!) Also, I wanted to say, I hope 2003 brings you just as many successes as you experienced in 2002. You have worked so hard and you such an inspiration. I hope good things and good people continue to come into your life. 🙂