Success Files: JeAnne

It’s motivation time again! JeAnne has always been an inspiration to me. If you doubt the power of exercise and healthy living, just take a look at her photos. AMAZING! Continued success, diva. 🙂

1. When did you start your weight loss program?

September 13, 2000

2. With all of the weight loss programs/diets available, what made you choose Weight Watchers?

Well this wasn’t the first go around! I had tried several diets (including Weight Watchers circa 1980) in the past and the most I had lost at one time was around 70 pounds, but it came right back. I really didn’t see that it was a lifestyle change and so I did every diet as an “all or nothing” thing.

I was either “on” and packing plain tuna and carrots and celery for lunch everyday or I was “off” and eating like it was the last supper! So, I picked Weight Watchers because the idea of having anything I wanted and just making room for a balance in my life and accounting for my food decisions seemed like something I could do for the rest of my life.

3. How much weight have you lost?

141.6 lbs

4. What is your favorite aspect of the WW program?

My favorite aspect is that WW is really a guideline like a road map. It’s really up to each individual to take the time and make it work for them. Things change, life isn’t perfect. The ww program allows you to plan for the expected and make choices for the unexpected without feeling like you have “blown it”. It’s about being accountable and moving forward.

5. Favorite low point snacks?

Reduced fat nilla wafers, Kashi cinna-crunch, eggwhite salsa wraps, sushi, haagen das sorbets, turkey hill light ice cream, cooking light recipes for dips and desserts ie asian party mix etc, bananas, mango and cottage cheese.

6. Do you plan to become a leader? If so, why?

I would love to be a leader. I guess it depends where I end up. First and foremost I want to be happy with my goal weight. If my goal weight ends up being higher than what is acceptable for a WW leader, than I guess I can’t be a leader! But I think I really have it in me to help people see that weight loss and healthy living are possible. Losing the weight has made such an enormous impact in my life…words cannot even describe. I thought at 338 that I wasn’t missing out on anything, but I couldn’t have been farther from the truth. Now I feel like I am truly living and experiencing the world and my body for the first time.

7. Favorite WW moment? (i.e. meeting Fergie, receiving an award, etc.)

Getting my 100 lb certificate…that was pretty special. Also getting to ONEDERLAND after a five month plateau.

[Editor’s note: ONDERLAND is what WW members refer to as weighing 199 or less…a GREAT place to be (so I hear) LOL]

8. What is your typical exercise program? Warning: I’m an exercise bunny! Kickboxing 3x a week, spinning 2x per week and biathalon 1x a week. Weightlifting at least 3x per week with a personal training session once a week. I cannot stress enough how important I think activity is for ultimate success on this program.

9. What tips would you like to offer program newbies?

I know it’s hard to hear this, but try not to sweat the scale numbers because that’s not what this is about. Yes you will have a week (or two or several if you stick with program) of inexplicable weight gain. If you allow the scale to control you, you will only sabotage all your postive efforts.

Stay the course. You fall down, you get back up. If you have a high point day, drink a large glass of water, journal it and MOVE ON. This isn’t about being the perfect’s about loving yourself enough to break a negative pattern of self destruction and move to the good.

Reward yourself often!

And last but not least, believe that it is possible. It seems so easy, but it’s not. You must believe that getting to goal and living a healthy lifestyle FOREVER is possible. I thought I believed it in the past, but I never *really* believed. You have to know it in your heart and soul and every fiber of your being that you can overcome these food challenges.

10. How do you plan to reward yourself for reaching goal weight?

If I don’t chicken out, a tattoo. The biggest reward is living well and knowing that my body now matches the free spirit that dwells inside. Taking care of the temple…it’s the only one I have 🙂

JeAnne’s Weight Loss Journey

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Absolutely amazing! Congratulations to her!!!

She is so beautiful!

November 10, 2002

She is awesome! She has been an inspiration to me since day one!

JeAnne is a complete inspiration! She’s gorgeous!

AMAZING! I have my first weigh in today…(this is my third go around with WW) I don’t have much weight to lose, I joined because I have a bad relationship with food. I’ve got to learn that food isn’t the enemy. For years I’ve been the yo-yo, and I just want to stay put. You continue to inspire me.

November 11, 2002

This isn’t about being the perfect’s about loving yourself enough to break a negative pattern of self destruction and move to the good. I love this idea!!

Hey chica, I am back. For good this time I hope!!!! You remain an inspiration to me!!! (HUG)

this being the beginning of my journey, i’m truly inspired and commited to this for the long haul. thank you.

Wow. I hope my results are this wonderful. You ladies rock