Success Files: Jackie

It’s inspiration time again! Jackie and I have been "e-buddies" for awhile now. We support each other in the battle o’ the bulge and I’m very proud of her accomplishment.



1. When did you start your weight loss program?
I started this program on February 17, 2004

2. With all of the weight loss programs/diets available, what made you  choose your program?
I have pretty much tried every program that I could afford out there. A few years back I was going to Herbal Magic (a weight centre in Canada) and Kathy was my counsellor. (She is a nutritionist) I lost 90 pounds with her, and slowly started eating again and gaining it all back. Kathy had moved on just before I started gaining, but we tried to stay in touch. I hadn’t talked to her in about 2 years and I was having a lot of trouble and a friend suggested trying to find her. I tried everywhere to get her number, but couldn’t find it. One night when I was changing my daytimer over, I found the
number in my daytimer. It was there the whole time. I called her up and we talked, met for lunch and started the next week.

I chose working with a nutritionist because I really needed help. I needed someone to be accountable to. Kathy is an amazing woman. She never fails to motivate me and without her I wouldn’t of made it past 2 weeks.  In my mind, she’s an equal part of this. What I love about her also is that she doesn’t ask me to do anything that she doesn’t do. She is very healthy and takes very good care of herself.

3. How much weight have you lost?
As of this morning, working with Kathy I have lost 98.1 lbs. My highest ever weight is 288.75, so Ive lost 112pds in total.

4. What is your favorite aspect of the program?
It’s a very strict program, but really that’s what I like about it. I don’t eat any extra sugar, and very limited bread choices. I find the more things I eat with sugar and carbs, I crave more and my weight doesn’t move. Weight Watchers is a great program, but never worked for me, because I always ate too much and allowed myself too many bad choices. I have an allotment of food a day and I’m done when the food is.

5. Favorite low calorie snacks?
I would have to say my favourite would be light hot chocolate. I have also discovered that I LOVE oatmeal and

6. Do you plan to work in the fitness industry (as a trainer or class instructor? If so, why?
No, I dont plan to work in the fitness industry. Joining a gym is enough belonging for

7. Favorite weight loss moment?
That has to be what happened recently. I bought size 14 jeans from a "regular" store-The Gap!. I brought size 16’s in just to see how they fit. I didn’t expect to be able to go to a 14. I was so excited. From a Plus Size 26 to a regular 14 makes me feel AMAZING and SO HOT!!

8. What is your typical exercise program?
I haven’t done a lot of exercise this past year. Thats why my diet being so strict is important. I have joined a gym 2 months ago and I to go 3 times a week. Anywhere to 45-60 minutes of cardio. I haven’t started strength training yet. I realize I need to make fitness a part of my day to maintain this weight, so I figure Ive only been at the gym 2 months. I don’t need to
go crazy. There is lots of time. I’m just trying to get into the habit of going.

9. What tips would you like to offer weight loss newbies?
I would say to NEVER give up. I am 27 and I have been wanting to be thin since I was 10 years old. I think every "Monday" I started another diet, but I never gave up. I kept trying. I knew I wasn’t getting anywhere but I
still tried many different approches to motivate myself. For me, it’s getting support from a counsellor. That’s what helps me. Everyone can lose weight. You just have to get in the right frame of mind and  you will do anything to reach your goals.

10. How do you plan to reward yourself for reaching goal weight?
Well I don’t have much of a reward planned. I’ve been rewarding myself along this whole journey. I buy a new charm for my bracelet every 15 pounds, and buy new clothes occasionally. Although, I think summer is when I should
be hitting goal. That deserves a whole new summer wardrobe, don’t you think??

Jackie’s website: Fat For Now





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February 10, 2005

AWESOME>… both are a true inspiration!!! Thank you!

February 10, 2005

Your friend looks awesome! Congrats to her!

February 10, 2005


I love these entries! Keep ’em coming!

Wow, Jackie looks great! Congratulations!

February 10, 2005

Wow..great entry. She is beautiful.

February 10, 2005

wow thanx for posting that :] it definately is inspirign and motivating to see other people lose as much weight as i need to.

February 10, 2005

omg i just checked out ur website.. u look SOO good!! you’re awesome, keep it up :]

February 11, 2005

Wow! She looks so good! And so do you Courtney! Keep up the good work!

That is awesome! She’s got gorgeous eyes. Thanks to you both for sharing her story. It’s a good boost!

February 11, 2005

Random Noter: Wow she looks amazing. I am also losing weight with Weight Watchers and it is nice to have a fellow member here oh OD.

February 11, 2005

This is so wonderful and so…inspiring!!!

Wow! Congrats to your friend! The both of you are very inspirational!

Wow, your friend looks amazing! This entry was truly inspirational. Take care, and thanks for posting this. ♥

February 12, 2005

she looks fabu!! RYN: lol, now see, if you had been there…we would have been rolling on the ground laughing our fool heads off.

February 12, 2005

I can see how the two of you would be able to inspire each other. You’ve both accomplished amazing weight loss one pound at a time.

February 14, 2005

Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂

May 11, 2005

btw–you should do a success files on Devi. She’s on WW at home and is down around 100 pounds. She’s awesome–of course I can say that because I know her IRL!