Success Files: Donna

It’s inspiration time again! WOOHOO!

Donna and I met through WW and I am grateful for her friendship and support. I’m sharing her story because newbies and veterans can learn from her determination and positive attitude.

When Courtney first asked me to do this, I laughed to myself. Me? A success story? Ha! Other have been so much more successful than me. But, perhaps someone else is out there struggling like me. Maybe my will help someone understand that you haven’t failed until you quit trying.

My biggest fear about doing this is appearing as if I am making excuses for why I have not made further progress. Now granted, I have gone through some serious life change between December and March; I moved to a new city, started a new job, vacationed in Italy, and my relationship evolved to the next level (now engaged!). Though all this has happened, what I’m doing is making a lifestyle change – why couldn’t I sustain my loss through this time? This is reality. When things get tough, you have suck it up, stick to it, and hang on to whatever shred of determination you have, even if its only by a thread. I’m happy to say that though the struggle has been tough, I’m making progress again. I have yet to lose sight of my goal to be healthy and fit enough to live the kind of life I want to live.

1. When did you start Weight Watchers?
September 16, 2000 (a real long time ago) at 313.6 lbs.

2. With all of the weight loss programs/diets available, what made you choose WW?
I had never tried anything before, other than my own personal effort. I had read for too long that fad diets just don’t work. Come on, now. If they really did work, no one would be obese.

3. How much weight have you lost?
As of my last weigh-in, 55 lbs. In November of 2002 I was only 2.6 lbs from my -75 lb mark, and even got down to a size 18! Between November and April my weight fluctuated up and down until I finally got a grip and got it together.

4. What is your favorite aspect of the WW program?
I like the flexibility it offers. Once you figure out how to cater it to the way you live, it is definitely a program that is livable for life.

5. Favorite low point snacks?
I really do enjoy good fruit. I also like pretzels. I don’t think I could survive without my Skinny Cow treats. 🙂

6. Do you plan to become a leader? If so, why?
I consider it from time-to-time. I have also considered going to school and taking some classes in nutrition. If there is one thing that doing this program has spawned, is an interest in my body’s physiology and how it works. I’m quite curious as to how correct nutrition plays a part in metabolic function.

7. Favorite WW moment? (i.e. meeting Fergie, receiving an award,etc.)
It sounds hoakie but honestly, at this point in my journey every Saturday that I get myself to my meeting is a moment. It is a struggle waiting to find out if my effort will be rewarded, or will I be left feeling defeated. Early on I used to be able to let it roll of my back effortlessly. I heeded all the common colloquiums. It is so much harder to do that after two-and-half years on program. This is a life change though. Giving up is not an option.

8. What is your typical exercise program?
I’m kind of a freak! I really do enjoy exercising! This is not something that was new to me just because I started Weight Watchers. As scary as it sounds, it was not uncommon to find me hiking or tap dancing at over 300 lbs. My current main activity is road biking. I’ll be participating in the Danskin Triathlon with the other Tri Divas completing the bike leg of the race. I enjoy weight lifting and feel that is the reason I have lost so many inches than other that may have lost the same amount of weight as I have. I also can be found rollerblading and step aerobics.

9. What tips would you like to offer program newbies?
When you breeze through the honeymoon phase and feel the last thing you want to do is measure another bowl of cereal or weigh one more chicken breast, just hang on. Some days are always going to be easier than others. Even though we feel like it is unfair to us, that’s just the way it is. Be honest with yourself about your effort. Draw on the support of your friends and family. I know for me, Courtney has been the support-diva-extraordinaire. This was the worst lapse for me, but I’m back. I would not have been though, if I didn’t know how to fight. I wouldn’t know how to fight if I never faced challenges. Treat challenges as lessons in persistence. Each time you win, you minimize the gap between you and your goals.

10. How do you plan to reward yourself for reaching goal weight?
Isn’t getting to goal and being able to live the kind of life that I want is reward enough? 🙂 Really, though, after I cry, jump up-and-down, and compose myself, I’m hoping start an add-a-diamond tennis bracelet with a stone for every 5 lbs I lost to reach my goal.

Donna’s Website

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May 27, 2003

I love these inspirational moments…

May 27, 2003

Oh my God, look at the difference in her face!!! Thank you for posting this piece of inspiration. : )

May 27, 2003

cutie! loves,

May 27, 2003

Wow … I needed some inspiration right about now! I had a terrible Memorial Day weekend full of backyard BBQ food and drinks! :-ox

Maybe just maybe I’ll join WW after the baby is born. These success stories are great! Did you have a good weekend?

May 27, 2003

She just looks faboo! And very cute and youthful!

May 27, 2003

I need to go back to WW. I love these stories as well.


Wow she looks great!