STT Recap…

Sorry for the delay! Work has been busy…and a sistah has been in trip recovery mode.

Thursday 6/23

Our flight departed at 7am. I’m a morning person, so no big deal. LOL The other heifers were struggling big time. No issues on the flight from Dallas to Miami. I must say I was disappointed in the MIA airport. I was expecting Miami Vice decor: pastels and palm trees. It was a typical airport. :::yawn:::

The flight from Miami to St Thomas…Oy, I knew drama-free was too good to be true. Chesty and I were sitting in front of Cooter Brown and his wife, Ellie Mae Brown. They were too excited about their vacation. While preparing for landing, Ellie Mae said "I wish we could use that ‘big yellow slide’ to get off the plane". Are you kidding me? I’m not a nervous flyer…but I’d like to avoid use of the emergency evac slide at all cost, thank you very much.

STT…As I mentioned, one of my coworkers moved back to STT a couple of months ago…so we had the perfect tour guide. D met us at the airport. Immediately after entering the building, we spot a table with free rum punch. It was hot as hell…but what better way to pass the time at baggage claim?

We got our bags and moved on to Hertz. The rental cost us $7.50 total for the 4 days. Travel agent certificates are a blessing. J decided to drive (since she has trouble staying on the right side of the road here…her skills were perfect for STT…LOL). We arrive at the hotel…and sample more rum punch in the lobby. The Marriott was absolutely gorgeous. Here’s a pic from our balcony…

We all rested a bit (jet lag like a mofo) and headed to dinner at Duffy’s Love Shack. The food menu was a tad bigger than an index card…and the drink menu was 10x larger. LOL Apparently the island folks like to drink, eh?
There are some other things that happened on Thursday that cannot be told here…at the risk of putting other folks’ business on blast.

Friday 6/24

D arrives early to start our tour. I am so thankful that she agreed to drive us around. The left side of the road thing, we could handle…driving in the mountains is a different story.

After getting the town tour (all 10 minutes of it…LOL), we headed to K-Mart! Apparently, the liquor prices are the lowest at Big K, so we all bought the max allowed by customs (6 bottles)  for cheap (most of the selection was 50% less than the states). You know, all of the K-Marts have closed in the Dallas area…but St Thomas has 2 locations!

Later that day, we picked up lunch and head to Magens Bay. Beautiful beach. We all laid out and enjoyed the sun for a couple of hours. I must say, I’m so glad to be a woman of color. LOL My travel buddies were frying in the sun trying to get brown…and I got a nice copper shade…in 10 minutes. haha

Magens Bay

Of course…total beach serenity is too much to ask for. The first issue? Chesty was returning from the water and sat down on a bee. So…I had to remove the stinger  from her ass. I don’t recall seeing that in the best friends handbook. Oh well…y’all know I’m forever a Girl Scout…and I couldn’t let her suffer. The second issue? Tucker locked the keys in the trunk . Hertz sent a wrecker out to break into the rental car…and you know I had to take pictures…

Saturday 6/25

We headed to the flea market to stock up on more souvenirs and then took the car ferry to St John.

After seeing a bit of St John, we headed to Trunk Bay…and I fell in love…more beautiful than Magens…

Later that night, D took us to a little no-name bar. We drank smirnoffs, listened to reggae and soca on the jukebox, and enjoyed the laid-back atmosphere.

D, J, birthday girl Tucker, Diva and Chesty…I guess my face is going to be fat forever. LOL Body gets smaller…cheeks hang on for dear life.

Same drunk bitches…with Island Stud, D’s boyfriend…

Sunday 6/26

Oy…Time to go back to reality! As I mentioned, we purposely booked a 5-hour layover in San Juan, PR to allow time to eat lunch and do more shopping. We went to Tucker’s favorite restaurant…and the waiter kept bringing us some orange colored drink with a lot of rum. I was fine until it was time to hop off the bar stool.

After lunch and shopping, we hung out at the casino in the Wyndham El San Juan. After we all lost money, it was time to head back to the airport. Forgot to mention the plane ride from STT to SJU. We were in a damn turbo prop. NEVER AGAIN. I am not a nervous flyer…but this plane was too small. I could feel every air pocket and I almost baptized the folks in front of me with rum punch. The flights truly wore me out. I fly several times per year…but I’ve never taken connections. Living in Dallas, American can pretty much get me anywhere nonstop. I have a new respect for the business travelers I work with. I could not live on airplanes like they do…no matter how fat the paycheck.

Anyway, it was a great trip! We’re already planning to go back for Chesty’s 29th birthday in March. I love my job (at this very moment…)

I took 3 rolls of film…so I’ll work on getting the rest posted to fotki. I’ve been too busy this week. Hope everyone has a great holiday!


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July 2, 2005

ah lovely photos

July 2, 2005

I think I have that exact same photo of trunk bay …named one of the top five most beautiful beaches in the world! I heart st. john’s.

July 2, 2005

STILL JEALOUS! hmmm, STT may be added to my places to go list. you know, it’s not really the planes or the travel that kill ya…it’s everything around the departure and return (the bills, the laundry, the household chores, the paperwork…)

I love Duffy’s!! CAL flew in late last night. I sooo want to be there. Magen’s Bay and Trunk Bay are all sooo beautiful. Did you go to Udder Delights? Sister…next time please go!! It is right there before you get to Magen’s Bay. It is a mixed drink ice cream shop. I always get the vanilla nut ice cream with Kahlua. Yum! Smooches…

July 2, 2005

Looks like you had a good time! I love the pix! Girl, can you believe I’ve never been on a plane?!?!? I know, it’s a shame!

July 2, 2005

Wow! Sounds like you had a great time, and your pix are gorgeous.

Duffy’s Love Shack and Udder Delights- oh the memories! I went there with 2 girlfriends for the ‘girls trip’ of a lifetime! Sounds like you guys had as much fun (and the same experiences!) we did! Did you try that MASSIVE drink at Duffy’s that serves 4 out a huge moat of daquaris and 151 in the middle!?! I need to find my pics of that night, cuz Lord know’s I don’t remember sh*t from that night!

July 3, 2005

*drools in jealousy*

July 3, 2005

That looks just beautiful! I need to travel……

July 3, 2005

Looks like paradise, sounds like a great time!

July 7, 2005

I have this master plan, once I am an empty nester, I’m off to usvi to be a travel nurse. My family doesn’t beleive I’ll do it, I’ve been nurturing this thought for years, and I’m going to do it!!!!!

Sounds like you had a Divafabulous time!! Gorgeous pictures by the way!

Diva – you look GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!