STT Boot Camp Phase 1

LOL Sounds like some serious stuff, eh? That’s because it is! Chesty and I are shaking things up big time. As promised, here’s what Phase 1 looks like:

 30 min. walk w/dogs (am)—30 min. run @ track (pm)

 Biceps/triceps (am)/ 60 min. outdoor cycle (pm)

 60 min. spin class (am)


 30 min. walk w/dogs (am)—30 min. run @ track (pm)

 60 min. spin class (am)/ Back workout (pm)

 60 min. tennis (am) (not a typo…LOL)




 Kashi Go Lean w/skim milk-4pts

 AM Snack



 SB Chicken Caesar wraps-5pts



 PM Snack

 Luna bar-4pts


 OTB Sizzlin’ Fajita Salad-8pts

 Total Daily Points: 25

We leave for St. Thomas (STT) in a month. The boot camp phases are pretty tough…but the end result will be worth the hard work!

I’m slowly adding more weight training to the mix. I don’t know why I can’t seem to stick with a program for more than a month. Ugh…someone please sing the praises of weights to me…I really need a push. My cardio is usually intense…and the idea of adding WT to my schedule isn’t appealing. 

This is the neverending story. I keep hoping that I’ll wake up one morning naturally thin with a kickass metabolism. *pinching myself* Nope…still a chunk butt.


Hope everyone has a tolerable Monday…


 -C is for Crazy Hot…it reached 99 yesterday.

Edit to add: SB=South Beach…OTB=On the Border Mexican Restaurant



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May 23, 2005

C is for consistency — you can do it! 🙂

May 23, 2005

WAAAYYY to hot already. Boot camp sounds challenging, and C- is for challenge. You can do it!

C is for cleavage. I noticed that adding wieghts to my routine has made them bitches perkier. How’s that for some motivation??? 🙂

May 23, 2005

Weights help make you look smaller than what your actual weight is, clothes fit better, posture is better, and I agree it helps in the perkiness issue, lol. It’s easy to get bored though, I feel ya on that one!

May 23, 2005

You and Chesty are lucky to have each other to stay motivated! Have a great month, I’m trying to increase my workouts as well.

May 23, 2005

Ummmm….WHAT dutch apple pie? Sigh. You make me feel like suuuch a slacker. Linette, who knows that a husband with cancer, being homeless in three weeks, having an angst ridden teenager, and NOT getting the job that would have meant financial salvation for her family is NOT an excuse to blow all my hard work by pigging out on comfort food

May 24, 2005

Hey G/F! I stumbled upon your journal and see that we have similar nics, LoL! You are definitely a more of a WW Diva than I am tho!! Look at you! I visited your site and you are Kick Ass Girlie!! That is so awesome! I’m in my beginning stages so I’m a WW Diva Jr. LOL!! Just wanted to commend you for your hard work! I added you to my favs cuz you are a total inspiration!! Keep on keeping on!! XoXo

May 25, 2005

send me some. It was 45 here when I looked

what is SB? and OTB ?

I was more talking about your readers starting something because of this situation but I agree that that other noter should have had more of a sense of humor since you didn’t write the joke. No, I don’t read you regularly, although I have heard of your successes (congrats!) but I am dramatic as well so I understand. It just sounded like you were angry, I would have been scared away, lol.

I understand that SB is for South Beach wraps but was is OTB stand for?