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April 14, 2006

okay that was disgusting lol. some people need those things though LOL.

i like how it’s in a ‘thong design’ because as we all know being on the cutting edge of fashion is top on the priority list of all dogs. it’s right up there with drinking from the toilet and sniffing other dogs butts.

April 14, 2006

I’m gonna need a little more info before I click on any link you post!

April 14, 2006

girl, that is too much!

April 14, 2006

*laughs out loud and passes the link on to her co-workers*

April 14, 2006

W  T  F. How bad does it have to be before you’re willing to do this to your dog? Wowsah.–

April 14, 2006

Wow, so I’m definitely printing that and taking it to work.

April 14, 2006

ryn: thank you so much! 🙂 your website is a big inspiration too 🙂 I love looking at the photos hehe

April 14, 2006

So I got the Parmesan Basil Wheat Thins today….with plain light Laughing Cow…..oh my god. thank you thank you thank you. 🙂 RYN: I was hoping you would be as excited as I am! We are going to have the best weekend ever!

April 14, 2006

wishing you a happy easter

April 15, 2006

What will they think of next?? Linette

April 15, 2006

RYN: Tom Thumb….I’m guessing that’s a store and not your new man?

April 15, 2006

oh that is just way to whacked