So Much to Say…

Hey Family!

I’m sorry for the hiatus…"real life" has been überbusy for the past week or so. After being scolded by a few emails, here’s my damn update!

Early-mid summer is actually a slow period for corporate travel, so things are pleasant on a business level. However, my duties on the employee committee have increased (loving every minute of it). We’re totally focused on raising funds for the holiday party (which is a sad sign of the times for our industry. Pre-9/11, our events would be sponsored by an airline partner…but they’re all still hurting…so we’re on our own). The fundraising blitz has truly paid off. We’ve raised enough money to allow for employees to attend free/guests for $10. Not too shabby for a night of dinner and dancing…not to mention random drawings for airline tickets/hotel stays.

On a community level (thanks to yours truly), we’ll be doing a school supply drive for a local elementary school. It’s great to fundraise for social events, but we have to give back to the community too, eh?

Despite my lack of updates, boot camp is still going well. I’m sitting on the "verge" again…and scale watchers will know what I mean. I’m not going to talk about it until I feel secure in my renewed position. Cycling training is still exceeding my expectations…so hopefully my goal of riding 40 miles for the LAF will be a reality. Speaking of LAF, improve your karma and donate!

Random compliment…a woman at work asked for details about my glutes workout. I told her what spin class, ellpitical, and hiking all do for the ass. I really wanted to tell her that I’ve been blessed with high booty genetics. LOL But that’s not very professional, is it?

There’s a reason I take a protein bar to snack on at the movies…

AMC Movie Theatres®
Buttered Popcorn, Large sized
popped in coconut oil
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size:
  1 large • 20 cups
Calories: 1640
Total Fat: 126g
Unofficial Points: 43
(Fiber unknown so value may be lower)

Cool fitness link: 10 Million Minute Fitness Challenge –Click the link and select "add your workout". No registration or fees. The site keeps track of your personal workout minutes and you can see your city’s progress in the battle of the bulge.


I’m having a good time with J. Those of you that know the history of this saga will appreciate the fact that we’ve discussed the past issues with our friendship (and his desire to "get to know me better" after my weight loss). LOL Nevermind the fact that I was practically throwing it at him back in the day. I enjoy hanging out with him…but I’m undecided on what I want…and that’s ok. What’s the rush? There are other boys to consider, right? 🙂


Red and I are planning M’s baby shower and it will be a pink affair to remember. Camryn Elizabeth will be here in 2.5 months and the little diva needs a stylish pre-arrival par-tay.


My 10-year high school bash is exactly 2 months from today! Chosen career? No. Married? No. Heirs to the throne? No. New Body? YES! LOL I have time to work on the other stuff. The important thing is that I’m not as wide as barn door anymore…

Vacation (All I ever wanted…)

We leave for Puerto Vallarta on August 28…for 6 days! Red is going to have the best 30th birthday bash. She’s dealt with some family issues this year and I’m glad that she’ll be able to escape with her girls and have a good time.

Well, that’s the story in my world. Hope everyone is having a great weekend…

-C is for Coasting Along Happily…

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July 30, 2005

*smiles*…..Good job on it all….uberbusy can be a blessing….it means you’re staying out of trouble…. Have fun on your vaca…..Mexico was always one of my favs.

LOL at the random compliment from your co-worker. Makes you think…”Hey! Thanks for the compliment! But..why are you looking at my ass?!?!”

July 30, 2005

I’m glad things are going well for you. Thanks for sharing that link to the calorie site. I went to the movies and got one of those kids packs last week. I think there wasn’t more than three cups of popcorn in one of those. Oh, well…I always save some flex points for errors like that. 🙂

July 30, 2005

I loved Puerto Vallarta…everything I looked at looked like a postcard.

July 30, 2005

I’m glad things are going well, even though you’re so busy. Love you!

July 30, 2005

I think uberbusy is an understatement! 🙂

July 30, 2005

wow there IS a lot going on in the world of miss diva. who’s pregnant??

July 30, 2005
July 31, 2005

congrats on the verge…!

July 31, 2005

Glad to hear that things are going well for you. Take care and be blessed!

July 31, 2005

oooo, going to PV for my birthday…you do know how to give a girl her best 30th ever *giggle* omg, texas is hot and i’m so NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT riding a bike in that insane heat. i’m a delicate lil thing doncha know? *snicker* ok, no seriously. texas + bike + oct = death. but i’m more than happy to cheer you on. matter of fact, i’ll be your loudest supporter, k?

Girl I was wondering where you were I was getting worried. I know you will get past your VERGE I have every amount of faith in you and this time it will be FOREVER!!! You know I am really pulling for J, you have to give it to the guy, he is being patient which lets me believe that he is in it to win it!!!! tontoy 242.2/224/180

August 1, 2005

you are cordially (almost) invited to join the SA festivities 😀 “almost” because i don’t know if i’ll be in SA for sure. my boss hasn’t said anything yet about the training trip. i should know this week and i’ll let you know. RYN-car: remember when i whanged the red honda back in Feb 2003? i still have the damage from that. new bumper, new fog lamp, straighten out the headlamps.