So Damn Lucky…

Yes, I’m back to using Dave Matthews titles for entries…

I don’t know if I mentioned it here, but I follow the happenings in the professional bodybuilding world. My interest was piqued after Ronnie Coleman won his first Mr. Olympia title. Ronnie is a reserve police officer in Arlington, TX (where I grew up). I remember him coming to speak at my junior high school. LOL We were all in love with his 52″ chest…teehee.

Anyway, one of my favorites (Kelly Ryan) has announced that she’ll be hosting her own bodybuilding show and it’s in Austin! Chesty and I are going to take a roadtrip in April to check it out. I have no desire to work towards competing (I’d never want that much muscle on my frame), but the women in the IFBB are inspirational. Even if muscle isn’t your thing, you have to respect anyone that completely changes their body and dedicates their life to fitness.

I’m going to the 4th Annual NBC 5 Healthfit Expo on January 10th. I’m sure the pros will tell me what I already know…”all of your vitals are great…but you’re still fat”. LOL

Has anyone heard about the new Showtime series “the L word“? It sounds like a female version of QAF…which means I’ll be hooked from episode 1. I love dramas…LOL and gay dramas are as good as it gets. Speaking of QAF, when does the new season start? I need something to take care of my Sex and the City addiction when it ends…*sigh*

I have no idea what we’re doing tonight. Roxie is a NYE baby, so we always let her determine the plans. I’m cool with hitting the party circuit or chilling at home. I think I’m beginning to outgrow the club scene. Don’t get me wrong, I still love getting dolled up and going out from time to time, but my extreme clubbing days are over. In college, we used to club hop…sometimes paying up to 3 cover charges in one night. Where in the hell was the money coming from? We just had to be seen. I’m such an attention whore…but that’s better than being a regular ol’ whore, right? :p

To all of the National Body Challenge folks:

Don’t forget to weigh-in! The deadline is Saturday, January 10th.

A few of my favorites are MIA. I need an update, dammit!

Sarah M.
DJ Lunacy
Spice of Life

I hope everyone has a great, safe NYE! I’ll see ya next year. 🙂



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🙂 Fitness is SEXY! I’ve never heard of that show- I don’t get showtime! Ah, oh well. Have fun on the twelth.

Dang! I wish I had Showtime…i really want to watch that. QAF is addicting, don’t you think?

RYN: Sadly, I am beyond adulthood. I watched the first Degrassi so I use that as an excuse! Have a great new year – I am inspired by your goal to change careers. Doing something we love for work should be an automatic, but bills sometimes get in the way :).

December 31, 2003

QAF…*sigh*…possibly the best show ever! 😉 I think the s3 dvds come out in Feb and the new season starts in March, but I could be a tiny bit off! 🙂

happy new year!

January 1, 2004

i called the discoverys store and they told me to get there early. Thats what Im doing.

January 1, 2004

Damn…. I MAY just have to start springing for Showtime *LOL* 🙂 Maybe I’ll wait til the “L” Word season 1 DVD’s come out, rent it, and then decide if it’s worth hooking into 🙂 I wish Queer Eye would do a Queer Eye for the Lesbian season… I need a new wardrobe and we want Thom to decorate our house for us! *LOL*

January 1, 2004

RYN: I LOVE Carson. I think I’d look forward more to the time with Carson, and my lovely wife would have more fun picking out color schemes and furniture with Thom. I really should pitch this to them! *LOL* 🙂 Hell… wonder if I could get them to spring for my boob job too! I can hear Carson — “Honey, those boobages are in the way of your couture… let’s get you down to just ONE D! *LOL*

January 1, 2004

PS…. read your email! 🙂 *LOL*

AH! i love dave matthes .. check out my diary:) lauren