
I ordered my iPod yesterday! It will be delivered on 12/12…*running to the window to stalk the delivery man*  Ok…so the Pod was supposed to be my reward for finishing out Phase III of the BFTC. Well, I couldn’t wait. I wanted my new toy before Christmas. I’m not spoiled, Mom.

In other news…we had sleet last night/this morning. Work is delayed for an hour…but I’m not going in until 10:30-11:00. Why? Because Texans cannot drive in this mess! 105 degree day in August? No problem…ice on the roads? Call a priest…we need an exorcism for the entire TxDOT system.

The "new" eating plan is going well. I feel strong and satisfied. I’m confident that I made the right decision. As for, it’s free and easy to use.  Not only does it keep track of the calories/fat/protein/fiber, it provides meal breakdowns and percentages (your daily fat/carb/protein ratio vs. recommended).

Well…today is my Friday…hope you all have a safe & warm weekend! I plan to party regardless of weather.

-C is for Colder than a witch’s tit in a metal bra…

P.S. Thanks for all of the song suggestions!

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RYN: Thanks so much C for your notes. I don’t know how I feel. This all came at a horrible time. I’m trying to do finals and I’m so distracted. Damn it!! Please pray for a Sister. Love ya! Smooches…

Check this out, Courtney. Somebody broke into my house the other day. They used my gym bag to carry off all the coins in my spare change jar. Idiots!! BUT – I had taken my ipod out of that gym bag the night before to tell you about the songs in it, so they didn’t get it! You saved my ipod, LOL!! Thanks! hahaha Deljah :o)

December 8, 2005
December 8, 2005

when i talked to my office they weren’t sure if we were going to be closed or not, so i went to sleep. just woke up 20 minutes ago and found out the office is open. but i can’t go in anyway. kayla’s daycare AND school are closed. 🙂 poor me. joshua just left to attempt the drive from our house (lewisville) to his office (irving)

which ipod are you getting

Totally know what you mean about Texans not knowing how to drive when there’s ice! LOL We were delayed an hour and a half. I hope SparkPeople works out well for you. I checked it out and signed up, but haven’t messed around with it too much yet.

yay for the ipizzle!!!! have a nice long weekend Diva!

December 9, 2005

Way to go on your new eating plan, you are an incredibly strong-willed person and this will be so good for you.

December 9, 2005

LOL @ dejah Great update That site makes me think of keep up the awesome work you deserve your present. Have fun with it.

December 11, 2005

i understand about the “spot light” in your previous post. i have lost a great deal of weight also and i am so tired of my co-workers commenting on it, and asking what am i doing. when it is nothing i can really say. i eat when i am hungry but i don’t want to tell them that, weight loss is something you find on your own. there are alot of suggested ways to do it but doing it and adapting is key

December 15, 2005

Strong and satisfied is a good place to be.