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September 20, 2005

1. the incredibles 2. darwin’s radio by greg bear 3. death cab for cutie “plans” (just downloaded it last night) 4. me? 5. i have no idea where you live so i’m gonna say go to the beach, if you do that all the time then i dunno… got you on random

September 21, 2005

1. bread and Tulips 2. I wish I had a Red Dress by Pearl Cleage 3. Losing Summer (they’re a local band to me, losing summer.com) 4. Swan 5. Love

September 21, 2005

(cute) 1. Dazed & Confused 2. A Thread of Grace by Mary Doria Russell 3. ?? any U2 4. Kristen08 5. Cowgirl Museum & Hall of Fame in Ft. Worth

September 21, 2005

1. The Upside Of Anger 2. A Million Little Pieces by James Frey (about addiction, a MUST read) 3. The Postal Service “Give Up” album 4. You know everyone! *out of range* is great, do you read her? 5. Come to my birthday weekend! You will love love love it, and it would make my birthday so special if you were here!

September 21, 2005

1. Beauty Shop 2. Just say no! by Omar Tyree 3. Debra killings 4. You know everyone I know so i dunno 5. Give yourself a spa day!

September 21, 2005

1. A movie – Happy, Texas 2. A book – Flanders 3. A musical artist/song/album – Song: “Arlington” by Trace Adkins 4. An OD user/blogger that I don’t know – Tavia 5. Something to do in the next six months – Come to my baby shower!! And continue to keep yourself diva-licious

September 21, 2005

1. The Castle (an Aussie movie … hilarious) 2. Dogs of Babel (excellent) 3. El Pus — Suburban Thuggin’ (a little hard, but good) 4. ?? 5. Visit Paris (visit in the early spring … cliche, but true … it is inexpensive at that time and simply magical … take a boy if you can)

1. A movie: Bride and Prejudice 2. A book: The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory 3. A musical artist/song/album: Blossom Dearie (light jazzy sound) 4. An OD user/blogger that I don’t know:Sorry, no suggestions for this one. 5. Something to do in the next six months: attend local Oktoberfest activities

1. A movie: The cider house rules. 2.A book: The Lovely Bones 3.A musical artist and album:The killers Hot Fuss 4. N/A 5.If you haven’t completed one or started one in a while: Assemble a jigsaw puzzle.

Movie: Elephant Book: She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb Music: No idea OD User: N/A Something to Do: Try going without TV for 1 week

Hi. Thanks for the inspiration. After reading your journal, I joined WW 10 days ago and have lost 4.6 pounds. So far, so good. 🙂 ~ Erika

September 21, 2005

1. Mr & Mrs Smith 2. She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb 3. Black Eyed Peas 4. Divine Diva 5. Think of the most outragous, un WW Diva thing-something you would never do and DO IT!

September 21, 2005

1.) Wings of Desire 2.) Ten Fun Things to Do Before You Die (Karol Jackowski) 3.) Laura Love/Aha me a riddle I day/ Shum Ticky 4.) Dr. Coors 5.) Go to Winterlude in Ottawa (http://www.capcan.ca/winterlude/index.asp?bhcp=1)

September 21, 2005

I am writing you mid-ANTM! I am loving it so far, thank god there’s no CatWoman this year! Hahaha. I love lesbian Kim, Ashley, Diana, Kyle, and Nic

1. Wedding Date 2. Goodnight Nobody–Jennifer Weiner 3. Rascal Flatts 4. Don’t know if you know her, bitchypoo.com 5. ya got me here!

1) Movie G ( It is a take on the Great Gasby in African American Form) 2) Book “Within The Shadows” by Brandon Massey 3) Album (The Best of Anita Baker) 4) I dont know 5) Redo your bedroom for fall/winter Tontoy

1. Movie: Donnie Darko 2. Book: “Tigana” by Guy Gavriel Kay 3. Album: “This Business of Art” Tegan and Sara 4. OD user/blogger: ummmm… Me? http://www.livejournal.com/users/chazari 5. Next 6 mos: Karioki (is that how it’s spelled?) -chazari

1. Imitation of Life 2. Here and Now by Kimberla Lawson Roby 3. Luther Tribute featuring Usher, Aretha Franklin & more 4. **** 5. Live life to the fulliest and enjoy yourself

1. Amelie 2. ‘The Bookseller of Kabul’, Asne Seierstad 3. Keane 4. 5. A European adventure, something new: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania..

1. Roll Bounce (if you like the 70’s vibe) 2. The Moments, the Minutes, the Hours : The Poetry of Jill Scott 3. Lyfe Jennings Lyfe 268-192 (brotha sure can sing) 4. An OD user/blogger that I don’t know ????? 5. Post pictures of your reunion 🙂 ( I wanna see….lol

are you being affected by the hurricane?

Leave me a note and recommend: 1. A movie – Roll Bounce (haven’t seen it yet but it looks fun!) 2. A book – Cane River 3. A musical artist/song/album -Miri Ben-Ari/The Hip Hop Violinist 4. An OD user/blogger that I don’t know -??? 5. Something to do in the next six months – visit the Big Apple! …and then post this on your diary, too! 🙂 I think I will! -Berry of The Next Chapter