Saturday night…

Here’s a picture as promised…

~Echo~, WW Diva, Chesty, and TheLassThatLost*

*TheLass is wearing her 75 lb loss outfit. Much better than the standard award magnet, eh?

An updated comparison…

Feb. 2001 Aug. 2002
I truly admire my cheeks. They are determined to not be elimnated completely by this silly weight loss business. Dedication like that is rare these days.

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August 5, 2002

You girls look like you really tore up the town…

Gotta love those dimples!

August 5, 2002

You girlies look GREAT! 🙂

August 5, 2002

I hope you all had a great time Saturday night! You look good.

August 6, 2002

As much as I love that outfit, I have to tell you I hate that picture. LOL. Am going to wear the outfit to work so I can take a better (lighting and angle) 75 lbs/current pic.

Wow, either ya’ll are really tall or Chesty is a shortness like me. You all look Fabulous! And yes, I’m behind again. *shame on me* ~C~