Saturday Mix…

Charlotte: I have never done a number two at a boyfriend’s place.
Samantha: Honey, you’re so uptight, you need to do a number seven.

Donald Trump’s Dog…

So…going out with J tonight. I have a few butterflies, but I’ll keep it cool. He thinks I’m a Nubian Goddess…why ruin the fantasy? 🙂 Not sure what I’ll be wearing, but I’m heading to the salon to get the hair hooked up. I love my short ‘do, but it grows so damn fast. Honestly, I get it trimmed every week. I never posted a "big chop" entry, but I’ll get a picture up soon. The Mardi Gras photos don’t do it justice because I was battling Louisiana humidity. smiley

Did anyone catch PoweR Girls on MTV? Isn’t Lizzie Grubman the chick that ran over some folks with her Canyonero a few years ago? Celebrities get away with everything. The first episode was pretty interesting. I wasn’t impressed with the rep handling Ja Rule’s autograph signing. How in the world do you forget to bring photos to sign? Fire that trick and let me do the job!

Required reading…32% off…what a deal.

Well, that’s all for now…hope everyone is having a great weekend!



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March 12, 2005

Wear something bootyful! I have to live thru you until I reach goal. Of course I should start working on that sometime soon! Ha! Thanks for your note!

March 12, 2005

That dog has me cracking up! I thought it was one of your dogs. I was gonna say “what the hell did you do to that dog’s head?!?!!”

March 12, 2005

LOL at the dog! Have a great time going out!

March 12, 2005

must buy book….must buy book….NOOOOOO, must read faster if i’m going to buy that!

March 12, 2005

I hope the date goes well….remember, he is SO lucky that you finally agreed to go out with him!

You go Nubian girl! Get your worship on! And I agree with the noter that said he’s lucky to have you. 🙂 You rock my socks mama!

March 12, 2005

Have fun!

March 12, 2005

i love this descrip on the book – so true! Come on. Admit it. He may not be that into you, but were you ever really that into him? He was never “the one,” but you lowered your standards and dated him in the meantime. Why? For any number of reasons…all your friends are getting married — you name it. And before you knew it, you got hung up on the jerk. Go figure. yeah…did that with carl!

March 12, 2005

anyways have a great time on ur date!!! we want details woman 🙂

have a great time on your date. haha! omg that’s pic of the dog is great.

March 12, 2005

good luck tonight!

March 13, 2005

oooohhhh…gotta buy that book for my daughter. Man, can she pick ’em. Seventeen and already picking the loser of the group. And hanging on to the bitter end. Ug. Linette

March 13, 2005

good times

ryn: totally! Sometimes you just need to yell and swear and it makes it all better. 🙂 Thanks C! ::hugs::

March 14, 2005

ryn: i do what i can 😉 did you see my previous entry, about my 45 pound weight loss? it’s all about diet and exercise, baby! i had ballooned up to (gasp) 288.5. I’m now down to 243.8. go me!

Okay I am waiting with eager anticipation to hear what happened on the date. You know us married folks have to live vicariously through our single sistahs!!!! Tontoy 242.2/214/160