Royal Doulton with the hand-painted periwinkles…

Happy Saturday!

This week had to be the most demanding week ever. Does anyone else feel that way? Work and other commitments almost drove me to the liquor store. Of course, I gave up alcohol for Lent…so I was planning to just stalk the booze and look suspicious. LOL

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=250 align=right border=1

Kashi Go Lean waffles-3pts
SF syrup-1pt

AM snack

Gorton’s Grilled Fillet Meal (Alfredo)-3pts
Brown rice-2pts

Afternoon snack
Myoplex Lite protein shake-4pts

Chicken Florentine-5pts
Whole wheat pasta-2pts

PM snack
SF/FF pudding-3pts

Total Daily Points: 28
Workout: 60 min. track


On a positive note, my “skinny” jeans fit again. I’m still blind on the scale, but if the SJ’s fit, then I’m fairly close to glory again. I was talking about my swim plans yesterday and a coworker (that wasn’t part of the conversation) informed me “you’re going to lose your butt”. First of all, why are you worried about MY ass? Secondly, while I adore my butt (now), I wouldn’t mind lifting it a bit more and toning up. Third, this woman is 375+ lbs…and always giving out workout/nutrition advice. WHY? I’m not trying to be catty…but you lose some credibility if you aren’t doing the ol’ practice/preach thing. I guess what they say is true…every overweight person is an expert on health/fitness. I can look at a conference table full of food and calculate point values. I’ve been brainwashed, fo’ sho…

So…what do you all have planned for the weekend? I’m doing a bit of shopping and a lot of cleaning this afternoon. We’re going to Spankee’s tonight, so I need to pick up something clubish to wear. Sunday I’m going to see Hitch with Chesty and Red…grab some dinner at OTB (their sizzlin’ fajita salad is the bomb!)…and then prepare to be the hostess with the mostess for Oscar! Oscar!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Chicken Florentine Recipe

Recipe Rating:
Prep Time: 5 min
Total Time: 17 min
Makes: 4 servings

2 Tbsp. KRAFT LIGHT DONE RIGHT! House Italian Reduced Fat Dressing

4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves (1-1/4 lb.)

1 pkg. (10 oz.) frozen chopped spinach, cooked, well drained

1/4 lb. (4 oz.) VELVEETA LIGHT Reduced Fat cheese, cut up

2 tsp. fat free milk

PREHEAT broiler. Brush dressing evenly onto chicken breasts; place on broiler pan sprayed with cooking spray.

<SPAN id=_ctl0__ctl0__ctl0_ctlRecipeDisplayModuleContainer__ctl5_rep__ctl2_lblPreparationDescriptionItem>BROIL 10 to 12 minutes or until chicken is cooked through, turning chicken over after 5 minutes. Meanwhile, mix VELVEETA LIGHT and milk in small microwavable bowl. Microwave on HIGH 1 to 2 minutes or until VELVEETA is melted, stirring after 1 minute.

MIX half of the VELVEETA mixture with spinach; place on serving plate. Top with chicken and remaining VELVEETA mixture.

Special Extra
Add your favorite seasoning or herb, such as minced fresh garlic, to the VELVEETA LIGHT mixture for a tasty extra!
Nutrition (per serving): 250 cal, 8g fat, 7g carb, 2g fib, 38g pro, 25% DV calc

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February 26, 2005

I always thought sf syrup had 0 points.

Yay for skinny jeans!! I love you C!! You are my inspiration! Smooches…

February 26, 2005

woohoo!!!!! skinny jeans, skinny jeans!!!

February 26, 2005

Yay, glad those skinny jeans are back on that booty of yours…even if you are going to lose it. heehee

Congrats on the skinny jeans. People like your co-worker drive me nuts. Various people have seen fit to tell me that I will be much more wrinkled when I get to goal, and that I will lose my boobs. I just give them a blank stare.

RYN: I love you C!! I truly do!! Ouch…how do I get rid of the PAIN!! I”m going swimming! Smooches…

Three cheers for skinny jeans!

February 26, 2005

Way to GOOO!!!! Skinny jeans!!!!! sigh. Yeah, interesting how everyone has “the answer” for you when they find out you’re trying to lose some weight. “Eat less, exercise more. NO SHIT, SHERLOCK! Hm…never thought about doing THAT before. Linette

February 26, 2005

Oh, that is SUCH happy news about the skinny jeans!–

February 27, 2005
February 27, 2005

I LOVE your diary! I just started weight watchers last week! I love how you have recipes and workouts in here! Its so awesome! This is just what I needed to see!!! I’ll definately be back for future visits! ~Sarah

Hooooorrrrraaayyyyy for the skinny jeans! Ignore lady who told you you’ll lose your butt. Tell her she won’t have to help you find it later. It’s okay! Love Ya C! Lynn

February 28, 2005

Skinny jeans? What are those? Ha! kidding. congrats. Being a black woman, I’m sure you have enough butt to give up a little and still be bootyful. I know I sho’ do! My booty looks like it’s living it’s own life!

Back into the “skinny jeans.” Brilliant! Keep up the good work. Oh, and Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced: Bouquet) is a hoot! Got to keep up those appearances, eh? LOL

February 28, 2005

RYN: lmao…it couldn’t be because i’m running through all 721 songs could it? that would be so OCD…lol

February 28, 2005

Skinny jeans are awesome! I can’t wait until I can finally fit into mine. I found your journal through the “Weight Loss/Weight Watchers” interests section. I think it is so great that you have done so well! I’ve just more recently started my weight loss/get healthy plan in January. Keep up the good work!

Just wanted to drop a quick note to tell you I think your diary and web site are inspiring. I look forward to reading more about your progress. Thanks for posting phenominal woman. Gave me the kick I needed.

March 1, 2005

MMMmmmm that looks YUMMY…think I will try that for sure!! I love spinich!