
I usually don’t put much emphasis on new year promises, but I feel the need to put my 2003 desires/goals down somewhere.

Weight Loss/Fitness
*I’d like to see 199 on the scale by the end of the year.
*Dedicate 6 months training for the Danskin Triathlon
*Finish the Danskin TRI
*Continue to work the WW program and stay faithful and focused (i.e. No rebellious jumps off the wagon)
*Walk in 4 Race for the Cure 5Ks. I did 3 Komen events in 2002 (Dallas, Ft. Worth, and Austin) and plan to add Houston to the mix.

*Payoff my student loan. I can’t wait to write the last check and tell them to kiss my ass. Those people are ruthless.
*Reduce credit card debt. Enough said.

*Make an effort to see more of my friends and family on a regular basis. We’re all busy folks…but we have to make the time.
*Attempt to get past the bitterness of having a father that has absolutely 0 interest in me.
*More casual flow, Less analyzation of the dating situation.

I weigh-in tomorrow and I’m surprisingly calm about the whole thing. During the last 2 weeks away from the scale, I’ve been OP 60% of the time. I’m not concerned with tomorrow’s number. My focus has turned toward the triathlon and I’m very excited about training.

2003 will be a wonderful year and I look forward to the challenges and rewards that it will bring. I’m going to start the year off right…with my latest comparison photos. Enjoy…I surely did. đŸ˜‰

(L) February 9, 2001
(R) December 31, 2002

Happy New Year!

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January 1, 2003

6 lbs the last time i stepped on the scale at mom’s. am with you, shooting for 10 lbs – that way i won’t be shocked. lol

January 1, 2003

meant to add to that note, but was distracted by my yahoo chat windows. lol. look at you looking so purdy. are those giant dimples i see? first cheekbones and now dimples! đŸ™‚ really, you are looking so great!!

Those dimples!!! I love seeing them on you!

Looking good, girl! I know we’ll both be in onederland before 2003 is over. Just keep remembering Hedonism….July…hmmm. Happy New Year, Gorgeous!

January 1, 2003

RYN: i’m afraid he might not come back into the fold, if you know what i mean.

After reading you diary for all of these months, I know you will reach these goals. There’s no doubt about it. To me, you are an interesting specimen. đŸ™‚ Solely observing based on your entries, you come across as being one of the most positive, strong, intelligent and balanced women I have ever come across. (Your father should feel HONORED to know you.) When I read your entries I…

come away feeling so calm and so hopeful. And I thank you for that. đŸ™‚ Happy New Year to you. đŸ™‚ I can’t wait to read about your progress and your successes over the next 12 months. đŸ™‚

January 2, 2003

You look AMAZING!!!

January 2, 2003

You look awesome. I’m excited about this New Year, I know you’ll achieve your goals.

Happy New Year – you have a lot to look forward to. You’re looking better & better!!!

January 2, 2003

I always make the resolution to make no resolutions. But, it is great to have goals, and I have no dount that you will achieve all of your goals this year! You look smashing, darlin!

If you discover any secrets to getting over the whole father with 0 interest thing, please pass them along! My strategy has been to ignore the anger. Doesn’t work that well. I have no doubt you will accomplish your goals you are focused and determined! Happy New Year!

well done!