Reality Check like a Mofo…

Boca patty-2pts
Whole wheat bread (2)-2pts

AM Snack

Gardenburger wrap-4pts
Black beans-2pts
Green peas-2pts

Afternoon snack
String cheese-2pts
Lowfat graham crackers-2pts

Pork cubed steak-6pts
Brown rice-2pts

Total Daily Points: 26
Workout: 70 min. hiking  

My baby brother turned 21 today! Oh my goodness…I am really tripping over it. I will forever see him as a 3-year old chasing after his “Courty”. Where did the time go? :::running to check the mirror for wrinkles::: Anyway, little bro is in town…so I’ll be heading to Arlington to spend time with the family.

Last night was a blast. The football game had all kinds of eye candy (on the field and in the stands). Yum…I can find beauty in all types of men…but Black men…with muscles and tats? Lawd have mercy. I won’t get smutty this morning because Easter is so close.

 Chesty and I are going for a hike this morning! I haven’t been to the nature center in awhile, so I’m excited.

 After stunning the world (ok, just the nature center) with my fitness prowess, I’m heading to the mall for K’s gift. He plays on a weekend rec basketball team, so Chesty and I will be in the crowd acting obnoxious. “Happy Birthday, Baby Kyle” signs seem appropriate. LOL



 I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. Happy Spring!


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LOL!! Your little brother is a cutie. I remember the pic you posted last year. I bet he will be blushing all of the place if you show up with signs. Don’t shame the poor “man”. Smooches…

March 20, 2005

Yeah, just wait until one of your KIDS turn 21, and THEN you will wonder where the heck the time went…my eldest daughter turned 21 last week. OF course, I was just a baby when she was born….lol! Linette

March 20, 2005

Awwww happy birthday to your brother! He’ll just “love” those signs ya know…..hee hee. Friendly sibling torment is a great thing.

March 20, 2005

ryn: girl, you would NEVER not make the cut. You’re the reason I came here in the first place.

March 21, 2005

Happy Birthday to Kyle. 🙂