Quiz Time!

<IMG src="http://images.quizilla.com/J/jonester/1070929660_CMyDocumentslollipop.jpg&quot; img
You’re a lollipop!! Your known for your coolness,
for you are a trend setter. You’re a natural
leader, and are good under pressure. People
often seek you out for advice, for you have
great insight.

Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


<IMG src="http://images.quizilla.com/S/Stingraycer9/1059437683_Strawberry.jpg&quot; img
Sophisticated and classy, you’re in it for the good time and the free drinks . . . “
Congratulations!! You’re a colorful and
sophisticated Cosmopolitan!!
What Drink Are You?


 <IMG src="http://images.quizilla.com/D/donarepa/1065503143_orangequiz.JPG&quot;
You are Orange. You are outgoing and optomistic. You always try to find the bright spot in everything. You are energetic and people are naturally attracted to you. However, you are not always sure of what your purpose or goals are. Most Compatible With: Fresh Mint

Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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January 9, 2004

Neat…I thought there were only like 3 flavors of tic-tacs?

January 9, 2004

cool lil’ quizzes

January 9, 2004

yummmmy cosmopolitan…one of my favorite drinks!

January 9, 2004

If you have time, could you explain how you cut and paste these quiz results into your diary? All three quizzes indicate a very “up” person.

I’m a good ol’ shot of Tequila! Lol. Don’t I look like the boozer? : )

January 9, 2004

heh, those are fun. 🙂