
I’ve really been neglecting my diary lately…if anyone checks daily for an update…stop it, ok? LOL

-First…a birthday shoutout to my baby brother…Kyle is 22 today! Good Lord, where did the time go?

-I’ve been sick since last Monday…strep throat and a nasty cough. The antibiotics are working OT and I finally felt almost normal today. J has been checking up on me regularly…he’s a good guy.

-Chicago Phat Camp is exactly 60 days from today. I’m going to ease back into workouts this week and start the torture schedule next week.

-Work sucks…plain and simple. We’re extremely busy…

-I got the wellness center internship (mentioned it awhile ago)…and I’ll start summer session II in July. I’m pretty excited…and I’d actually be smiling right now…but I think I cracked a rib from coughing up a lung.

-ANTM: Jade needs to go…she’s really not well.

-Sopranos: Shame on Junior! I don’t know where David Chase plans to take this storyline, but he has my full attention.

-Rides: Next month is the Pedals & Paws event (20 miles) and the Red Poppy Ride (30 miles).

-Currently reading: Bitter is the New Black : Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass,Or, Why You Should Never Carry A Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office by Jen Lancaster

-In the last activities committee meeting, I suggested a Dessert Bake-Off. My coworkers are very competitive about their recipes (and travel agents love to eat), so things will get interesting. After the official judging, everything will be sliced/scooped for individual sale…all going towards our fund. Is it wrong for the office  "healthy chick" to exploit her coworkers’ appetites for financial gain? Probably so…but I don’t plan to sample…that has to count for something, right?

-Camryn is still adorable. She’s such a happy baby…

Well, that’s it for now…pray for me…this illness is no joke. I will NOT be sick in Vegas next week. *stomping foot*

Until next time…

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March 21, 2006

get well

March 21, 2006

I hope you are feeling better witheach day. I needs to find me some Soprano’s reviews to read since they are just now getting around to showing season 1 here.

March 21, 2006

Vegas next week? I am unbelievably jealous of your travels. 🙂

March 21, 2006

I don’t know where the Sopranos is going with this either – but I’ll be kinda pissed if this is how Tony dies.

March 21, 2006

Yay for not being sick. Or at least making your way there! This entry reminded me — I need to finish watching Sunday’s episode (I love OnDemand). —

Hope you’re feeling better soon! Just wanted to say I found another yummo product store this weekend – had to share! http://www.bathedandinfused.com/home.php haven’t ordered anything…YET-but thought you might like it?! Delicious looking scents. 🙂 – Alice

March 21, 2006

I feel your pain, sister. The stuff coming out of my nose/throat/lungs is just wrong! 🙁 I need to call and get an Anti-biotic. I fold!

March 21, 2006

Oh girly girl, I hope you are feeling much better, trips are no fun when you are sick, but i’m sure you’ll be back to your healthy self in no time.

March 21, 2006

I hope you feel better soon, C!

Say, it’s my birthday too today! 🙂 What a coincidence, eh?

March 21, 2006

It’s good to get an update and see that you haven’t lost your sense of humour!

This is my first time here and I really like your style. I’ll be back!!!

March 23, 2006

Thanks you, I will look into those.