PVR Boot Camp–Week 2 (and other stuff)

Good Morning, kiddies!

The Peach Pedal was a success. Chesty and I finished the route in a little under 2 hours and the weather was tolerable. Personally (TMI warning), I felt a sense of accomplishment because Aunt Flo is visiting and my cramps are kicking like Bruce Lee. I cursed a blue streak when the alarm went off at 4am yesterday…but I got my phat ass up and did the damn thing.

Ride Nutrition details…1/2 turkey sandwich (pre-ride), 36 oz of H2O and Clif bar (during ride),  24 oz of H2O (post-ride). NO PEACH  COBBLER OR ASSORTED SWEETS. Hooray! Yes, I’m tooting my own horn. The festival was INSANE. People were chowing down on turkey legs, peach sweets, pizza, pork sandwiches, etc. Of course, to get to the produce section, we had to pass through the land of fat and cholesterol. Only in the south would you find a booth dishing up fried key lime pie. Oy vey…

So…we got a bushel of fresh peaches (worth the outrageous price) and went on our way. Victorious over Lucifer’s snacks and feeling like fitness goddesses.

Week 2 (10JUL-16JUL)

-Set activity point goal or  total workout minutes 300 min.
-Try a new recipe and share with your fellow campers Barbecue Meat Loaf (recipe below)
-Complete Week 2 weight training program (email me if you want it)
-Choose a reward for end of Week 1 ($20 max)  Book: Harry Potter #6*

*I may get extra cardio while pushing kids out of the way to get to my precious book. LOL

Barbecue Meat Loaf (from Weight Watchers 5 ingredient/15 minute cookbook)
Work time: 8 min.
Cook time: 25 min.

1 lb ground round
1/2 cup barbecue sauce, divided
1/4 cup frozen chopped onion, pressed dry
1/4 cup Italian-seasoned dry breadcrumbs
2 large egg whites
1/4 tsp. pepper

-Preheat oven to 375 degrees

-Combine meat, 1/4 cup of barbecue sauce, onion, breadcrumbs, egg whites and pepper in a large bowl; stir well.

-Shape mixture into a 7 x 5-inch loaf on a rack in a roasting pan. Spread remaining 1/4 cup barbecue sauce over loaf. Bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes. Yield: 4 servings.

Exchanges: 1 Starch, 3 Lean Meat
Per serving: 228 cal, 10.4g carb, 7.6g fat, 0.5g fib, 27.7g pro, 70mg chol, 535mg sod, 22mg calc, 2.9mg iron

Healthy Link o’ the Day: http://www.dietfacts.com/fastfood.asp This site has a ton of restaurant info listed. Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail. *brainwashed*

I hope everyone is having a great weekend…

-C is for Counting down the days until HP6…

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Good for you! What are you going to do with all that fruit? I got some once from Stonewall Tx and canned them, alot of work but worth it!

July 10, 2005

Congrats girl! I’m sorry, I’d be looking like a peach myself by now! I’m glad you were able to pass thru the sweets! More power to ya!

July 11, 2005

Fried Twinkies and Fried Snickers bars are the thing at our fairs and festivals. Congrats, you did good!!!

I’m sooo proud of you C!! I hope you had a great time! Yay!! Smooches…

July 11, 2005

Wooooohoo! 🙂 Fried key lime pie? W T F? I’ve pre-ordered HP6 from Amazon, so all I have to do on the 16th is sit back and wait for it to arrive.–

July 11, 2005

Good for you girl! Congrats.

July 11, 2005

Hey girl….I think I’m going to a meeting tomorrow….for the first time since May. Yeah, this will be called Round Two.

July 11, 2005

I’ve been away for a bit. I can see that you are hugely motivated and working hard as usual. Have a killer month!

Diva, Just like you did a year ago…you have inspired me to get back on track. You rule! I love you.


July 11, 2005

RYN: I want, I want!!! Drools and begs.

July 11, 2005

haha i am too counting the days until harry potter comes out:P

ryn: girl you have no choice! lol no worries on the e-mail. 🙂 i love you!

July 15, 2005

Oh yeah, thanks for the 6 Ft U gossip. I have found loads of gossip online about it, I guess we’ll have to watch for ourselves.

July 15, 2005

You sure know what will cheer up my wife! 😛 Almost done with HP3. I have about 50 pages left which I hope to finish tonight. Then it’s on to Goblet of Fire!!! 🙂 WOO HOO 🙂 These books are amazing. Honestly, I’m amazed they are kids books. There pretty advanced for kids! There’s vocabulary in there I’ve never heard!

Hi sweet pea – checking in – I’m alive, started own business – I’ll call you in a few days when things slow down, cause I got a chick living with me who’s fixing to give birth (for adoption) – HUGE long story as you can imagine… ~Amazon Barbie Peters~

i been tellin everybody all along that im just an uhoh oreo

July 16, 2005

Thanks 🙂 Have a nice weekend.

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