PVR Boot Camp–Week 1

Good Morning!

As you know, I’m going to Puerto Vallarta (PVR) at the end of August…exactly 8 weeks from today. The cast of characters for this trip will be Diva, Chesty, Red and JS. We’ll be there for 6 days…and that’s a long time to live in bathing suits. So…Chesty and I have decided to run another (more intense) boot camp. Our cycling season officially starts next week with the Peach Pedal, so it’s time to get 100% serious again.

Week 1 (03JUL-09JUL)

*Set personal cardio goal (either total minutes or total days) 300 min. total cardio for Week 1
*Set personal H2O/veggie and/or fruit goal 96 oz of H20 daily/6 fruit-veggie servings
*Choose a reward for end of Week 1 ($20 max)  Book: The Cyclist’s Food Guide by Nancy Clark

Weight Training program for Week 1. Since I’ve never fully committed to a regular weight training program , Chesty put together a beginner friendly version. I know it starts out light, but everything will gradually get more intense. Several people have promised that I will be hooked by the end of boot camp. I truly hope so…

Lunges (barbells/freeweights): 4 sets
5 lb weight each arm
8 lunges each leg (16 total per set)
seated leg curl (machine): 4 sets

Lightest weight
1st set 18 reps
2nd set 15 reps
3rd set 12 reps
4th set 8 reps 

Seated Leg Press (machine): 4 sets
20 lbs each side
reps 18, 15, 12, 8 

Roman dead lift (barbells/free weights): 4 sets
1st set 5lb weights each arm, 18 reps
2nd set 5lb weights each arm, 15 reps
3rd set 10lb weights each arm, 12 reps
4th set 10lb weights each arm, 8 reps 

Hip abductor (machine): 4 sets
25-40 lbs
reps, 18, 15, 12, 8 

Lying leg curl (machine): 4 sets
Lightest weight
Reps, 18, 15, 12, 8 

Standing calf raise (barbell/free weights): 4 sets
1st set 5lb weights each arm, 18 reps
2nd set 5lb weights each arm, 15 reps
3rd set 10lb weights each arm, 12 reps
4th set 10lb weights each arm, 8 reps 

Seated calf press (machine): 4 sets, use leg press machine
20 lbs each side
reps 18, 15, 12, 8 

Seated shoulder press (barbell/free weight): 4 sets
1st set 5lb weights each arm, 18 reps
2nd set 5lb weights each arm, 15 reps
3rd set 10lb weights each arm, 12 reps
4th set 10lb weights each arm, 8 reps 

Front raise (barbell/free weight): 4 sets
1st set 5lb weights each arm, 18 reps
2nd set 5lb weights each arm, 15 reps
3rd set 5lb weights each arm, 12 reps
4th set 5lb weights each arm, 8 reps 

 Lateral raise (machine): 4 sets
Lightest weight
Reps, 18, 15, 12, 8 

Seated row (machine): 4 sets
Lightest weight
Reps, 18, 15, 12, 8 

Cable Front pulldown (machine): 4 sets
Lightest weight
Reps, 18, 15, 12, 8 

Bicep curl (barbell/free weight): 4 sets
1st set 5lb weights each arm, 18 reps
2nd set 5lb weights each arm, 15 reps
3rd set 5lb weights each arm, 12 reps
4th set 5lb weights each arm, 8 reps 

Preacher curl (machine):
Lightest weight
Reps, 18, 15, 12, 8 

Tricep extension: 4 sets
1st set 5lb weight, 18 reps
2nd set 5lb weight, 15 reps
3rd set 10lb weight12 reps
4th set 10lb weight, 8 reps 

Bench dip: 4 sets
4 reps each set 

pushups: 4 sets
4 reps each set 

Chest press (machine):
Lightest weight
Reps, 18, 15, 12, 8

So…there you have Week 1. Lynn is joining us in boot camp. If anyone else plans to participate, leave a note with your first week goals/reward. Misery loves company.

Hope everyone is having a greakt holiday weekend!


Log in to write a note

Very cool…I’m in! My reward will be a trip to the spa.

RYN: Yes! I have read Addicted and I’m trying to read the one about the girl with the split personality. Zane’s stuff is off the chain. When I saw her in Ebony magazine I could not believe that THAT woman was reading those books. Smooches…

I’m a hater!! This plan looks way harder than I can imagine. Have fun Miss Fitness America! Smooches…

impressive. now if i can get my ass to the gym …

July 7, 2005

HOLY CRAP! You’re nuts!!!! Admirable stuff, my friend 🙂 You go, fitness Diva!

Okay Courtney – you fitness nutcase – you’ve inspired me. But I don’t have your ambition or your stamina and I am carrying 45 more pounds than you – so here are my goals Exercise : combined 245 mins of cardio Water: 96 oz per day Reward: Pretty clinique rose colored lipgloss

oh yeah, and my week starts today.

July 7, 2005

<<>>> I am worn out just READING that challenge…. Linette

sandiego_kat your meth connection! bwahahahahahaha!