Problem possibly fixed…maybe?

Hey Folks!

I’ve been running Norton and Ad-aware/AdSubtract and performance is improved. This internet hijacking shit must be stopped. Thanks to Kat for posting an entry for moi. I can’t believe IT has blocked certain sites. It’s not like we used that much company time to read blogs. LOL

Last night J and I went to a mutual friend’s birthday party. I was pleasantly surprised. We had a nice time together…and I put my guard down long enough for him to get some sugar at the end of the night.

Has anyone been watching The Office? Great show! I loved the BBC version and almost avoided the American broadcast since we messed up Coupling. *cringe*

Fitness stuff…still moving forward and avoiding the scale (for now). I haven’t been to my WW meeting in awhile, but I hope to get back on a regular schedule next month. OT is kicking my ass. HR has posted 3 positions, so hopefully the workload will improve soon. My next fitness event will be The Ride of Silence on 5/18. ROS takes place all over the country and it benefits a great cause. Interested? Check it out here.

American Cities That Best Fit You:

70% Austin

65% Atlanta

60% Washington, DC

55% Denver

55% Honolulu

Which American Cities Best Fit You?


Well, I need to shop for the office food drive. Hope everyone has a great Sunday…



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April 24, 2005

I’ve seen the Office. Very, very funny stuff!

April 24, 2005

Great new look girl!

April 24, 2005

glad you are back, sweets!

April 24, 2005

I figured I should watch the BBC “The Office” before trying the US version… so, logically ;p, I have seen neither of them. Hm, I got 70% Honolulu, 65% Seattle, 60% Los Angeles, 55% Austin, 55% San Diego. LA over SD? I think not. Seattle over either? No way, Jose! Honolulu, I can dig.–

Good for you C… Way to give some sugar…lol (Jackie)

April 26, 2005

Yay, glad you’re back. 🙂

Im loving the diary. Thanks for being such a inspiration. See you at the boards.