Positive Body Inventory…

Steph wrote a
great entry about listing the postive aspects of the body. As weight
loss/fitness folks, we tend to focus on the negative (or “needs improvement”
areas). Hell, I can’t even take compliments without adding my own
less-than-perfect commentary. “Thanks, but I really wish my stomach
would shape up too…”

So…with that said, it’s time for a little horn tootin’…


I love that I can actually see my real features now. I bitch about my fat
cheeks, but secretly adore them. It’s a family trait and how can you not be
proud of that? :p Also pleased with the double chin aspect. It’s 95% gone. I
think the 5% shows up from time to time to keep me grounded.


Dare I say it? They are slender…and my collarbone confirms my royal roots.


All love in these areas. I don’t have that “overhang” anymore. Hard to
explain, but big folks know what I’m talking about. As for my ass, it looks damn
good…and that’s not just a self-evaluation. I remember having a nice booty
before the weight gain, but I questioned if it would come back after dropping
the weight. I used to have MAJOR back fat and it diminished the ass…but the
ass is back…and it’s phat.


What can I say? I’ve always had a love affair with them. I’m 5’10” and long
legs come with the territory. After years of dance classes, they stayed fairly
toned during the weight gain. Spinning and walking has put them back into top
form. Also, my ankles are thin and my feet have returned to size 9…from 11

How is that for self love on a Sunday? 🙂

What about YOU? What areas do you appreciate? Accentuate the positive…LOL
and turn a blind eye to the “negative”…



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i absolutely heart this entry, c!

Wow, what a great idea! Thanx! 🙂

January 25, 2004

Great idea…I like my shoulders and upper back area.

Thanks for the note. I am feeling so much better. And I definitely try to focus more on the things I find positive about myself and my body, otherwise I’d be depressed all the time.

January 25, 2004

I love the slow shaping of my belly. I am going from being round all around, to my sides being worked down, so that soon I will be focusing on having just a belly. I am seeing improvement in the belly area. I can see where an upper roll used to be, and slowly all the way around to where the only part you can see a hang is right above my belly botton. Major changes. Thanks for making me think good

January 25, 2004

Awesome entry!

Definitely a great reminder. It is easy to forget to focus on the positive changes!

January 25, 2004

What a great, positive entry. You should be strutt’in around girl!! You are so wise to lose the weight while you are still young and your skin is good. I will always have an overhang I’m afraid.

Love love love this entry!

January 25, 2004

That’s *so* awesome!! 🙂 🙂

January 25, 2004

You know you are my inspiration, I was collecting diets this time last year and I happened up on your diary and you inspired me to go to Weight Watchers (paid for and went for 10 weeks). I lost 20 lbs and I kept it off until at Christmas, I gained about 5 lbs. I have gotten that off and am now started on the 10 that never left. Back to keeping points.

January 25, 2004

I really do admire you and even though I don’t note, I check in on you occasionally and check out your pictures. You are looking great. May I ask how long it took you to gain the weight and was it just overeating? Just curious.

January 26, 2004

my score is 43. i’m rich i tell ya.

January 26, 2004

Wonderful entry! Self love is the hardest to achieve when it comes to our bodies, esp with those of us who struggle with weight. And your title “Brickhouse Chronicles”? Awesome;)

I wandered in…very good out look! Have a good day

January 26, 2004

absolutely wonderful idea – and oh so true how we focus on the “bad” parts of our bodies…

January 26, 2004

I’ve always liked my nose, and someone once told me I could be a hand model. That was pretty cool.–

January 26, 2004

Great Idea… I see so many people who are blind to their own beauty, nice to see some who aren’t! 🙂 I myself happen to really love that spot inside my hipbones. My favorite body part *sigh* Thanks for the entry, it put me in a better mood for the rest of the day

January 26, 2004

Very nice, we focus so much on negatives, it is nice to recognice the good.

January 27, 2004

whoa, dude…when did ya change the diary name? or am i completely oblivious…and it’s been changed awhile?

February 3, 2004

I wish I could find my face. All I feel positive about tonight is my pinky fingernail on my left hand. I started WW today. I’ve heard good things about you around OD…