Pilates for Sexual Prowess?

Let me first say that Pilates is no joke. Several months ago, TheLass and I began working with a beginner’s video and it kicked my ass. I think a lot of people think Yoga and Pilates are fluff…me thinks no. Try it one time…you’ll be a believer.

Anyway, I picked up a new video last weekend. This one is Pilates Conditioning for Weight Loss. It’s a 60 minute tape and I’ve only been able to finish 1/2 of it. Today, I’m being crazy optimistic and going for 40 minutes.

The tape starts out fairly tame…but then the heifer tries to turn you into a human pretzel. I complained to Mommy Dearest about not being able to finish the video because my flexibility was lacking. You know what she told me? That’s why you haven’t nabbed a husband yet. She then went on to explain how flexible she was during her Chocolate Thunder days. Thanks for the visual, Ma.

Well, today is FRESH START. I woke up with a positive mindset and ready to reclaim the title of WW Diva. 🙂 How could I have let job stress take me out of my game? Oh well…lesson learned…moving on. Thanks again to everyone for the support. I think it’s important to post the celebrations AND the struggles. Newbies need to see that this journey involves more than compliments, progress pictures, and shopping for new clothes. The last 2 weeks have been difficult, but I’m a survivor…at least my mama says so. 😉

Have a great Thursday…my plans for the day? Painting my nails and eating grapes. LOL Kidding…maybe. :p

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August 8, 2002

I have wanted to try it but I thought you had to have all sorts of equipment and stuff…Is there a good Yoga video and a good Pilates one you could reccomend to me (beginner)

The only way to increase your flexability is to continue with the Pilates. It sounds like you’re doing a good job! I thinking of starting a beginners Pilates class at my local gym, it starts in September. I’m looking forward to it!

You are so right about yoga/pilates. At first I thought yoga was just boring stretching moves (and pilates was harder and even more boring), but I start doing yoga and…wow. Not only is it challenging, it is calming and feels so good. If you ever get curious about yoga, I highly recommend the Yoga Zone tapes. They are exceptional.

August 8, 2002

RYN-me, shy?: I used to be shy. I even used to be quiet. Then I became a librarian. RYN-Signs: Mom has repeated the same message of doom. M. Night will never really hit Texas Gold ever again. I love his movies and everything, but he’s stuck too hard to one theme.

August 9, 2002

I think I’m going to look for that this weekend. I am using my Air Walker every day and it’s making my thighs hurt, so it’s doing some good. I need something for my upper body though.

August 9, 2002

I don’t think you were ever out of your game, honey…not you… I did Yoga for a while and got bored, I might go back to it at my gym, though…we’ll see.

Alas as you are right again. Weight loss is not all fun and games : ) It’s very hard work. Keep it up Courtney.

I agree with you. Pilates is so hard and power yoga.. oh my goodness. It hurts a little but in a good way.