Picture Timeline…

We all have days when we get a bit discouraged or disappointed during this journey. It amazes me that the fat I tolerated for so many years is now unacceptable and I want it gone immediately.

My mom emailed me a few pictures from my brother’s graduation and I got pissed at how fat my face looked. LOL Nevermind the fact that my face has ALWAYS been fat…even when I was a “normal” weight. I wrote her back complaining about the photos (throwing in some gripes about my Buddha Belly for good measure). The virtual hug she gave me was followed by a virtual kick-in-the-ass. Mom suggested that I pull out my collection of pictures…playfully called Cheeks: The Collective Works.

What can I say? Mommy Dearest was right. Looking at the changes was enough to satisfy me (for now). If you’re on a weight loss adventure, please take pictures. It’s great to show them to others…but the personal benefit is more important.

I *refuse* to take pictures of Buddha, so here are the face pics. 🙂

Pic 1: Sept. 1999-Birthday Big Face
Pic 2: Feb. 2001-“Before” photo-Losing the dimples in my face/gaining them elsewhere. LOL
Pic 3: May 2001-25 lbs lost
Pic 4: July 2001-50 lbs lost
Pic 5: Oct. 2001-75 lbs lost
Pic 6: July 2002-129 lbs lost

My WW meeting is today and I’m wondering what the scale will greet me with after 2 weeks. I’ve been OP (on program) the entire time…but the increased exercise intensity may bite me in the ass. We shall see.

Hope everyone has a great Hump Day! 🙂

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July 10, 2002

I love the time line…I hope the scale is wonderful today..

Great idea with the photo line!

July 11, 2002

Awesome! Simply awesome! Photo timelines are the bomb!

A great idea to actually see your progress. And you’ve made a lot!

July 11, 2002

Wow.. you’re very pretty! 🙂 I pop in here and read now and then, but don’t usually note. I enjoy your attitude towards life. Take care!

I just wandered over to your diary today, and after reading the front page, this was the first entry i read. Your weight loss is amazing. Congrats to you.