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November 25, 2003

You look fantastic! You go girl!

November 25, 2003

You look absolutely wonderful!


You look awesome!!! – jackie

November 25, 2003


November 25, 2003

You truely look so amazing. WOW!

November 25, 2003

You look fabulous, C! šŸ™‚

Wow. And those pants are gorgeous on you.

I am so inpired, Ms. Courtney. You look beyond fabulous! Keep it up! -TallAndy

you are too fabulous for words. thanks for your note, and your sense of humor CRACKS ME UP. šŸ™‚

November 25, 2003

There ya go… lookin’ all diva-like. šŸ™‚ Certainly NOT a poser. Fabu… just fabu.

Just amazing!

You look GREAT!

OMG! Totally stunning. Congratulations.

omg you look amazing! i know i will do the before and after pics when i get to 130 =)

You should be so proud of yourself! You look so much prettier, healthier and younger! Way to go, sista! WAY TO GO! -An admiring fan…

November 25, 2003

The same beautiful smile but WOW what a difference! Congratulations.

November 25, 2003

you look good and have good turkey day.

Nope…we ain’t ready!! You look great Courtney. Keep up the good work. smooches…I’m out!

omg that is Not you? you look great…i’m tryin the atkins diet i dated 11/24 monday we’ll see if it works..

November 26, 2003

Wowza! Can I say another holy chit? Dayum. Amazing. You just look amazing!

Look at you, Ms. Hottie! Too sexy for words, Diva!

Sweetie, you look amazing. Go girl!

WHAT AN INSPIRATION… I started at 226.5 and have a goal of 134… You give me hope! Thanks for sharing your life.

November 30, 2003

You look Supa-sexay! šŸ™‚ MUAH!

I have been reading your journey for over a year. I have been so inspired by your weight loss. I admire your dedication. Unfortunately, I have not been as successful as you. I am not going to have weight loss surgery. I wish I could of done what you did, but I havent been able to. Stay strong and I wish you all the best.


December 3, 2003

you are amazing!

December 3, 2003

You look absolutely AMAZING! I whole-heartedly applaud you! I can definitely appreciate how much hard work and dedication the weight loss journey takes! What an accomplishment! CONGRATS again!

December 3, 2003

Amazing, truly amazing woman…. I’ve said once, I’ll say it again, I admire you cause I know how difficult it is to lose, hell a few pounds, and you have done a complete transformation and for that, I applaud you. Way to go.

Wow…you look incredible.

December 3, 2003

wow, you look incredible!

December 3, 2003


You go SEXY MAMA!!!!!!!!!!! – Mrs. Rogers

December 17, 2003

You look amazing!!! Well done for being so strong & sticking to it! I hope you are very happy! You are an insparation to all women out there! xxx

What a fantastic accomplishment! I’ve been reading you off and on for a while, but you have so many friends, I’ve just kept quiet, but WOW! You were beautiful then and you’re beautiful now. You’re an inspiration to me, that’s for sure.

damn girl u look HOT!!!!!

December 17, 2003

You are awesome!!!!!!! Wow…

December 17, 2003

Congratulations you svelte sexy lady!

wow – you look great! congratulations on your accomplishment..go girl!

December 17, 2003

wow you are an inspiration!!!

December 17, 2003

congratulations on living a healthier life. your progress is remarkable and to be commended. GO YOU!

December 17, 2003

Kick ass!!

December 17, 2003

OMG! You’re beautiful!

You are beautiful in both photos, but even more beautiful in the latest. Good for you!

December 17, 2003


December 17, 2003

Saw this on RC, you look AMAZING! Way to go!

December 17, 2003

Whoa! That’s a HUGE difference! (No pun intended. ;^) You look great. šŸ™‚ Eric

December 17, 2003

Found on RC too! You look spectacular! Congratulations!!

OMG WOW!~~~~~~~

December 17, 2003

what Gemma said – you’re gorgeous in both pix. congrats on changing your life so drastically.

Wow.. smokin You done good

December 18, 2003

Holy smoke! You look amazing! At the risk of this sounding negative, I would NEVER guess that your weight in the second photo was 200-something, I would have placed it more like 150 – you look great. ~:) Babs

December 18, 2003

Saw this on RC- you look AMAZING! Love that sassy outfit!

December 19, 2003

woohooo!!! šŸ™‚ you look great! (thank you for the inspiration :))