Picture Time…

My cousin (the little prince) turned 3 on Thursday…which naturally means he needs 3 parties, right? His mommy took goodies to the school on Thursday for the classmates…today was the family party…and next Saturday is the blowout with every 3 year old in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex. I plan to stop by for an extra dose of birth control.

A few pics from the family party…

The Little Prince got plenty of loot, but the clear favorite was the Little Tikes easel.

The artist at work…

Must be a 3 year old thing…

Enjoying the altitude…courtesy of my 6’4″ “little” brother…

To due popular demand (Ok…only Chunky Spice asked for them), here are the 150 lb milestone comparison shots.

An update to the infamous “before” jeans pic…

Adventures of Shrinking Face…

Tomorrow is my lunch date with Father Knows Best. I’m going to drop the extreme weight loss bomb on him and see how he reacts. Mr. Man doesn’t know there was a time when I wasn’t so lusciousbrickhousedivaesque. 😉

Hope everyone is having a great weekend…

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January 25, 2003

Awesome pictures, what a cute kid! You look fab, too, of course!

Love the pics – thanks : ) and your nephew is so adorable! 3 years old and tres’ cute!

January 26, 2003

Girl, you look awesome!!! And the prince is a cutie too 🙂

BTW are you thinking of becoming a WW leader? You’d be such an inspiration to others.

you look incredible!!! your nephew is adorable too! my son got that exact easel for christmas – he adores it. in fact – he adores it so much he just threw it to the ground. that’s great.

January 26, 2003

Looking spiff. 🙂 And I did notice, I wrote a Millennial Entry on the 25th. 😉

You look so great. It looks like I’m on the slow plan, too, but I’m going to try to stick with it. I’m considering asking my dr. about Meridian. Do you know anything about it?

January 27, 2003

you are an inspiration.. truly.. congratulations!! You’re beautiful! oh.. and that little boy is sooooo cute.. =)

January 28, 2003

Your nephew is adorable!! I hope the lunch date went well.

Wow you look great! I wish I had your willpower!! 🙂

February 4, 2003

You are looking great! I sent you an email with a question. One thing I didn’t think to ask, how many points are you allowed?