Phat Camp 2006

Hey Gang!

I’m a tired, sore heifer…so this is going to be short and sweet…

Phat Camp was GREAT! Easily one of the best weekends of my life. Jen is a true champion and I’m a fan for life. The event was so powerful and inspirational. All the campers were so diverse…but we all shared a common goal: to improve our lives. There were fitness newbies, "middle" folks like myself and Chesty…and girls that looked like fitness mag cover models.

A few pics of the champion…can you believe this is her off-season look?  Sorry that the last one is so fuzzy…my battery was about to die…and silly me left the charger at home.

Due to the confidentiality agreement, I can’t go into camp specifics. I will say that we did 5 days of workouts in a single weekend. Each day had cardio sessions and specialized training workouts for shoulders, back, chest and legs. We also had seminars on nutrition, goal setting and motivation.

As most of you know, I went to Phat Camp to get a much needed shot in the arm. Taking a break from the WW program wasn’t an easy decision to make and I’ve been a little lost since January. WW was home for over 4 years and it was very confortable. I regained weight in the transition period (I’ve been anti-scale for months, but my clothes told me what I needed to know).  I decided I needed some serious motivation to get back on track. I started this journey to lose weight and get healthy. Despite still being overweight, I’ve accomplished those goals. My BP and cholesterol are fantastic…and my body has been able to complete fitness tasks that are amazing to me.

A few months ago, I decided to stop chasing the magical WW goal weight. My new passion is changing my body. I’m ashamed to admit that I lost my weight being a cardio bunny. I’ve never been able to commit to a true weight training program. I always start one and then lose interest after a few weeks. Well, Phat Camp has totally changed my view on the subject. Right now, my body is simply a smaller version of the original. I want a new body.

Back to Phat Camp, a few of us shared our stories and mine ended up having a major impact on the campers. At the end of camp, Jen held a drawing for a few prizes…and then it happened. She said one girl’s story had been the topic of several campers conversations and she felt the need to acknowledge the accomplishment and encourage future success.

The tears have started at this point because the knot in my stomach tells me that I’m the chosen one. LOL

Jen presented me with an autographed copy of Oxygen mag (she’s on the current cover), a motivational poster, one of her trademark rhinestone doorags and I get to attend the Phat Camp of my choice in 2007…for FREE. Can you believe it?!? I was overwhelmed! I’m still overwhelmed. Needless to say, I got my motivation. My goal is to improve my body/mind and make Jen proud at my next Phat Camp. The tour will be adding Dallas and Las Vegas stops, so Chesty and I are planning to attend both events.

Wow…so much for short and sweet. I just had to share my Turning Point: Part II with my ‘net family. A lot of you guys have been around since the beginning and I am truly blessed.


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YAY FOR YOU!!!! FINALLY the recognition you deserve for the most amazing success story ever told. I’m so happy for you and so proud of you for everything you’ve done. You continue to inspire and motivate people everday. You are so amazing. I love you Diva!

May 22, 2006

WOW – seriously. That is too awesome. COngrats!! Maybe next year I’ll have to check out Phat Camp…: )

May 22, 2006

Wjat a great experience, C! I am so happy for you, and I cannot wait to watch you transform even more. *hugs*

May 22, 2006

Wow! That is so, so wonderful. I’m so happy for you. 🙂 Re: wanting a new body… that’s how I feel, too. I don’t want to weigh a certain number if that number means I have no muscle and am still above 20% body fat. I want practical fitness, the kind that lets me run, jump, climb trees, etc., and whatever the scale says, I’m going by what my bod says.–

Awww I am so happy for you, YOU DESERVE EVERY BIT OF IT!!!! I know you are trippin, I would be, I would wear that doorag until it fell apart! That is like the best thing I have heard all year, Congrats girlfriend, you are still an inspiration to me and I tell everyone about you I know who is trying to loose weight! Tontoy

May 22, 2006

That is awesome! Im so proud of you! 🙂 And your NEW body goal sounds awesome! 🙂 Good luck and Congrats again!

May 22, 2006

Congrats!! You are a true inspiration.

May 22, 2006

you rock!!

May 22, 2006

What a great experience!

May 22, 2006

You deserve that and then some! Congrats, sisterfriend!

May 22, 2006

awww congratulations girl you have come so far!! I’m proud of you like a sister! you deserve another FREE trip to phat camp girl! hopefuly we’ll see a story in the next oxygen mag!!!! Your doin big things girl!

May 22, 2006

You deserve the recognition, truly you and I am so glad that you got the recognition! How amazing. I may have to look into this Phat Camp for myself. Thank you for motivating me 🙂 Take care hun!

Courtney–that is AWESOME! It sounds like a great weekend. I really need to get back to the Y and incorporate weights again. AND ignore the scale and go by clothing, b/c I typically gain weight or at least lose more slowly when doing weights. It’s so hard to imagine leaving Anna with strangers at the Y, though!

aaah – congrats Courtney. You deserve it and you truly an inspiration to all of us! (Jackie)

May 22, 2006

You’re mentioned every few weeks at my Weight Watchers meeting! Anytime someone is like “I have 50 pounds to lose, I can NEVER do that” I always have to talk about my good friend Courtney who lost 200 pounds…and everyone is encouraged. I am so proud to be your friend and I am so proud of YOU.

I am sooo very proud of you. Like Oprah said tonigt on her special, “Saying thank you is a great blessing!” So yes C, I say thank you for your courage and your example. I love you and I truly thank you! Smooches…

May 22, 2006

That’s awesome, everything, from the Free Phat camp, I like the word free, hehehehe, to the BP and cholestrol, I think that one is really important. Actually, everything is. Congrats and good luck w/ your new “Phat” body!

May 22, 2006

You deserve it, Courtney! You certainly have been an inspiration to me. I have been floundering the last month or two…time to kick it up a notch! Ihave had a lot to deal with lately, true, but does eating like a pig solve any of the stress????! Nope… Linette

May 23, 2006

I am so proud.. A poster woman… wooo hooo

HOW AWESOME!!!! You ARE an inspiration…not to say that to put pressure on you or freak you out…I think the most inspirational thing about you is that you’re always positive in this journal, I look forward to your entries always! CONGRATS on not just surviving but excelling! 😀 – Alice

Great stuff! So happy for you. Sounds like an awesome weekend – think I’m going to try one of those next year. I’m restarting my journey – you are such an inspiration. – walking grrl

Congratulations, Courtney! I am so glad you received recognition, and perhaps more importantly, the motivation you have been looking for. You are one awesome diva, Ms. C!

Hey, Courtney! SO glad you found what you were looking for re: motivation! Your story is one that really gives me encouragement along the way. Thank you for sharing your journey. Carlene

go girl

May 24, 2006

We have been telling you here at OD for years what an inspiration you are to many. I speak of you often and while I do not know you personally you have also made a difference in my life. No surprise here that the people at PHAT camp could not stop talking about you. Keep up the good work and keep sharing your life.

May 24, 2006

RYN: I *love* this training, but I’m brand new at it — so stay tuned! :)–

i’m going to be writing private entries for a while. there’s only like 5 of you that i’m gonna let read. reader password= pencil

May 26, 2006

Hi Courtney – I am a long time reader, first time poster =) I think you have done an amazing job and I wanted to thank you for being such an inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing your story.

May 28, 2006

RYN: i was JUST talking about this to ASKM. i’d mentioned how i envy children for their endless batteries. lol

May 31, 2006

RYN: Sorry! Hahaha! It’s not my fault we stomped y’all by 20!

June 1, 2006

Congratulations! Wow! I am so impressed! And you know what? I’m betting you’re going to look and feel fabulous for that PhatCamp- I’m sure that you will continue to motivate others. Why, do tell, aren’t you doing motivational talks yet? You should start thinking about it- I know you’ve impacted my life. You earned this. I wish you continued good luck on your journey. 🙂

June 4, 2006

I bet a lot of your fellow Phat Campers were more impressed with you and your changes than with Jen. I’m so glad you got the acknowledgment you deserved and the promise of “next year” to keep you motivated. Good luck with your weight training. Jen looks very buff even in the off season.

You go Courtney. You know I’m rooting for you all the way. Phat Camp looks like fun. You are my fitness role model!