Oy Vey…

LOL Thanks to reader Kristen for emailing and accusing me of avoiding “real” entries and sticking to weight loss posts to cope with my post-holiday eating guilt. Girl, I’d only take the bitchy ‘tude from you… :::putting away my brass knuckles:::

So…here’s some random ramblings for everyone…

Remember when I sounded off about Singletons vs. Smug Marrieds? Well, Mrs. Smug and her family moved to North Carolina. After our last pissy email exchange, I ignored her request for a visit. I feel a bit guilty about it now. However, I’m sure she’s too busy watching Spongebob to answer my email…so I won’t send one.

Last week I met a guy (Trey) while grocery shopping. How tacky is that? At least I was buying WW friendly food and he didn’t see me lusting in the Ben and Jerry’s section, right? Anyway, we enjoyed some small talk while at the pharmacy. I was waiting for a new asthma inhaler (just a little safety net for TRI training) and he was picking up ??? Hopefully nothing scandalous…please God, don’t let it be cream for some freak rash.

There was a small amount of flirting. I didn’t think anything of it, but he asked for my phone number. Trey was cute, so I actually gave him my real cell number. He called a couple of days later and we’ve talked several times. He’s 27…business professional…and cute. So what’s the problem? Trey has a 4 year old son…that lives with him full-time. I thought the kiddie cereal in his basket was just a cute bachelor thing…ack! I adore children, so why does this bother me? One friend told me to walk away now…another tells me to see what happens…

Bentley the Super Schnauzer is fine…thanks for the concern. His little drama episode cost me over $300…so if you’re really worried about him, send a check…thank ye.

Tomorrow is my friend Leigh’s birthday. We’re debating on having a little house party or actually going out to do a birthday/NYE combo thing. We went clubbing last year and it was fun…but definitely not worth the inflated drink prices and cover charge. I have a bad feeling about going out tomorrow night, so I’m going to vote for the house party.

My pals and I had a NYE wreck in 1996 on a major Dallas highway (75, for the locals) and I still tense up when I’m near the scene. A sudden need to break caused us to be hit from behind by a small truck. My friend and I were in the backseat and the entire window shattered…not fun. Anyway, I’m going to trust my instincts and not hit the streets.

Operation Damage Control has been in full effect this week, but I don’t know what the scale will say on Thursday. I’ll handle whatever is thrown my direction and start the new year off right.

I will be setting up another diary on this site that will be dedicated to Danskin triathlon entries. I don’t want to flood my main diary with TRI posts and disappoint the folks that come here for scandal, drunken party pictures, and a general bad attitude. 😉 I’ll post a link to the TRI diary when the madness begins.

I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe New Years Eve…


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December 31, 2002

Your so awesome…I hope things go smoothly for NYE whatever you decide to do…

December 31, 2002

See what happens with Trey and his little one. Obviously he’s a good man…his child lives with him full time. You know he HAS to be home everynight, not out gallavanting. 🙂 Happy New Year! Be safe tonight.

See what happens with Trey. I have the same rule but there are always exceptions to it! Be careful tonight but make sure to have fun! Love ya, girlie!!!!! P.S. Don’t worry about what the scale says. You might end up being surprised. Plus with the New Year comes brand new motivation. We are both going to rock in 2003!

Here’s hopin’ yer NYE is safe and fun and wonderful and lotsa other adjectives that I can’t spell out in notes. 🙂 xo

Trey sounds great! I respect a guy raising his child. We see faR too many single moms and not single dads doing the impossible. He’s got charachter. happy New Year!

January 1, 2003

ok, i KNOW i’ve been out of town, but i have a cell phone! why haven’t i heard about the cutie? are ya’ll going to be at the gym in the AM? or is tomorrow your day off for WI?

January 1, 2003

definitely WI tomorrow. have to face the 6 lb gain.

hmm the kid will NOT appreciate sharing dad’s time with a new lady friend, you have been warned! Make sure he gets a sitter for your first date :-).