Oscar, Oscar!

A few thoughts…

Queen Latifah, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Halle Berry looked positively radiant. CZJ knows how to “do” pregnancy, don’t you think?

Renee looked like a kewpie doll gone terribly wrong. The extra weight she added for Bridget Jones looked good on her. She should eat a bit more…

J. Ho’s dress looked way too mother-of-the-bride and her makeup artist needs to be reprimanded.

What was up with this?!? I was waiting for Eric Benet to jump onstage and throw down…

Best surprise of the night? Enimem winning a trophy! LOL Can you believe it? The boy has skillz…but an “Academy Award Winner”? Yowza!

Michael Moore: Hmm…made some valid points…but I felt the whole thing was tacky. As a Democrat, it’s no secret that I have a problem with W, but bitching about him is not going to get our troops home any faster…or make this war pill any easier to swallow.

Did anyone else notice Marisa Tomei’s absence in the big anniversary presentation? Maybe that rumor behind her award is true! LOL

Overall, I enjoyed the show. Steve Martin was just the right amount of funny. I’m not an awards show person, but I’ll stay up for the Oscars.

What are YOUR thoughts on the show?

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March 24, 2003

Catherine Zeta Jones looked very beautiful, as did Queen Latifah…..poor Renee needs a sandwich, and somebody needs to unscrew her face for her. In fact, several of the female stars looked like they had done a crash weight loss diet….they looked spare and greyish, like people who have dehydrated themselves a bit . Micheal Moore? He has points to make but his style is off putting…….

March 24, 2003

I think Kate Hudson was best overall. I was thrilled for Brody and thought his speech was by far the best. I was not surprised at Michael Moore, He is very outsopken, afterall. What was up with Nicole Kidman’s hands? She was pale all over but her hands were pinkish, like she had just come from having an abrasive or parifin treatment. Talk about tacky, lol.

Didn’t watch it but I was horrified when I saw Chicago at how skinny Renee got. Ugh she just looked awful!

March 25, 2003

CZJ could look good in the proverbial gunny sack. 🙂 I didn’t watch the Oscars, very rarely watch any awards shows.

ok – renee ALWAYS looks like she smells sh!t… i thought j-lo’s dress was pretty… eminem – YEAH. i thought the whole michael moore thing was pretty tacky too.

I liked it. Except I thought J. Lo looked real pretty. 😀

March 27, 2003

I liked the Oscars this year, mostly because I loved “Chicago.” I was angry that Eminem beat out Chicago for the music category. Ouch!

March 28, 2003

Renee was gorgeous in Bridget Jones Diary and Jerry McGuire.. It’s a shame that she was totally pounced on by the media for her weight in BJD… hello.. she was NORMAL! I hope she figures it out soon..