Old Man Winter’s Cruel Joke…

I’m sure you all were extremely worried about my whereabouts the past few days…::pausing for dramatic effect:::

Diva has truly turned into the Ice Princess. The north Texas area was hit hard with all kinds of winter goodies…and well, you know how Native Texans are:

I have no experience driving in winter weather…but how hard can it be…

The temperature dropped below 60 degrees, so I must go to the grocery store and stock up on food for the blizzard that’s surely on the way.

My truck is a Ford F-750,000…and a little ice isn’t going to keep me from truckin’ at high speeds.

It won’t be too bad if I just hit the breaks a little bit while doing doughnuts on a major highway?

Sigh…this is what transplants have to deal with. Diva was born in Illinois…*dusting off my Yankee pedigree* and while I’ve been in the Dirty South for quite awhile, there is still a big separation for me. Texans refuse to admit that they are TOTALLY out of their element and over their heads when a winter storm hits.

To be fair, Texans do handle extreme heat better than Yankees. What we used to call a heatwave in Rockford is called “October” here. However, being able to adapt to the high temp doesn’t translate to a driving advantage…unless it prevents you from blacking out due to heat exhaustion or experiencing the pain of 3rd degree burns caused by gripping your steering wheel in July.

Funny story….

My grandmother moved from Illinois to Texas in the summer of ’79 and drove the entire way. When she got to the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex, she immediately pulled over to a car dealership to trade her vehicle(true Yankee car that wasn’t equipped with A/C). After everything was a done deal, she attached the U-Haul trailer to the new vehicle and went on her way. That is how SERIOUS the heat is, ya’ll. LOL

Anyway, back to the winter wonderland. My office closed Tuesday and today. Not really pleased with the time off because work will be waiting tomorrow and I haven’t been able to go to the gym in a couple of days. My WW center was also closed, so I won’t be able to weigh-in until Saturday…not expecting much since cabin fever has caused me to eat like a bear preparing to hibernate.

Hope everyone is having a great week…please send the trusted Saint Bernard to rescue me.


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Heehee yeah Jeff actually drove in this weather. He said he saw so many wrecks!!

February 26, 2003

yeah!!! you have the puter now. LMAO, this is one Texan that will tell ya we’re (native Texans) all morons when it comes to winter driving. i drive like a Texan, but at least i know when to stay off the road!

February 27, 2003

You don’t want the Saint Bernard…you want the barrel of stuff he carries around his neck! LOL I drove from SD to OK by myself….my car had a factory installed engine block heater in it. hmmmm…. it did have AC though.

exactly how much snow did you guys get? sounds like a good 2 feet the way everyone is talking…lol

February 27, 2003

RYN: i’m SO not going to be sick for MG. don’t even mention it!! LOL

lol office closed. Sheesh, the texans need to see real winter weather. Come up to the NE.