
I just had to share the wonderful news. My web buddy Milenka has been trying to conceive for 6 years. Guess what we found out today (which happens to be her birthday)? She’s having TWINS! Oh my goodness…I just can’t believe it! I was jumping around like they are MY babies! LOL

M-I am so happy for you, girl. You never gave up…and we never stopped praying for you & Lucas. You two are going to make wonderful parents.

Wow…I have more babies to shop for! Auntie Courtney is truly blessed.

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April 24, 2006

Aww…this made me smile a big watery eyes smile! Congratulations!

April 24, 2006


Im with you C…..Thats SOOOO great about Milenka! Im feeling exactly like you! Amazing – TWINS! (Jackie)

April 24, 2006

Awww, can I cry now? Honestly, I can’t even believe we could be this lucky after so long. I’m just thankful for all of the positive vibes and prayers that people have sent our way along the road. 🙂

April 24, 2006


April 24, 2006

What incredible news!!!!! Linette

April 24, 2006

Wheeee! That’s fantastic.–

April 24, 2006

*screams* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl, what a miracle! I’m so excited for someone who doesn’t even know I exist!!!!! I could just start crying! ***claps hands, jumps up and down, does the “I’m-having-twins” dance!***

That is wonderful news! Now go out and buy her a copy of the book ‘The Happiest Baby on the Block’ and a couple of swaddling blankets. She’ll thank you later!

awww that rules!

April 25, 2006

Congrats to your friend, that’s awesome!

April 25, 2006

That is such great news. Babies are always good news, but especially when the parents have been trying for a while… congrats to her!