OD: Theme of the Week

Do you have any brothers or sisters? How have they influenced your life?

My only roadblock to receiving all of the family fortune (haha) is my younger brother, Kyle…

Seriously, I can’t say enough about this young man. At 19 years old, he is more accomplished and mature than some people twice his age. As for influencing my life, he always strives for the best of everything and that keeps me motivated to do the same. Funny that you can actually look up to a younger sibling, eh?

Growing up, we definitely had the typical drama. It started when I was informed at age 6 that a new baby was on the way. Huh? Why? I was very content in my family role: Princess, Darling, first and only grandchild. My mom explained that the new arrival would depend on me (and you know I need to be needed…LOL), and after feeling the first kick, I was finally convinced. However, I had one request: a sister. Frankly, boys were gross back then and the thought of having one live in my house was more than I could handle. My mother never promised a girl, but somehow I convinced myself that my request was being handled by the fine folks in StorkLand.

After several false alarms, my little sister finally decided to enter the world. I couldn’t wait to hold her!

What? It’s a boy? Why?
God wanted you to have a little brother.
So you can teach him how to ride a bike, rollerskate, and play marbles.
(Remember when “why” was an acceptable response to EVERY statement?)

When I finally got to hold the 2nd heir to the throne, I was in love. He was so tiny and precious. *warmfuzzies*

Fast Forward: 6 months…

Ok…the baby thing was getting a little old at this point. I couldn’t understand why he was so needy. I even called him a crybaby…didn’t even phase him. Mom assured me that this would pass…

Fast Forward: Year 2…

Ok, he doesn’t cry as much, but now he’s pulling on my ponytails and glasses…and throwing food. Boys have always been annoying, but this one takes the cake!

Fast Forward: Year 6…

At this point, my social calendar is being affected by the 6 year old ruler of the house. I was 13 years old and had a little groupie trying to be around me at all times. There were a few times when I couldn’t go to Six Flags because I had to babysit. As if that’s not bad enough, my brother got an early dose of testosterone and decided he needed to protect me…from everything. What in the world? You are not my big brother. I think Year 6 had the most drama. That’s when the age difference really became a problem. As a 6 year old, he was testing everyone and determined to be independent. As a new teen, I was determined to have my privacy (we had separate rooms, but Kyle couldn’t seem to stay out of mine). I think Mom got a few gray hairs that year…

Fast Forward: Kyle’s High School Years and beyond…

At this point, we are truly buddies. At ages 23 and 16, we can share jokes (usually about Mom and her pre-menopausal hot flashes) and actually talk about serious issues. I was always a good student with plenty of extracurricular interests (ballet/tap, orchestra, Girl Scouts, etc.) not to be outdone, Kyle tackled varsity basketball, choir, and volunteering…while keeping a high GPA. Amazing kid…

When it was time for Kyle to move away for college, it didn’t hit me until the day we dropped him off. My heart broke that day. I didn’t realize how close we were until he was taken out of my daily routine. I’m still adjusting to not being able to see him on a regular basis, but it definitely makes the visits worthwhile.

I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Please know that I love you with all my heart and I’ll always be here for you. Thanks for supporting me in my health/fitness endeavors…


<IMG src="http://images4.fotki.com/v50/photos/4/45594/187562/kandc1203-vi.jpg&quot;


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AHHHHHH! Now that was too sweet!

January 11, 2004

I think you drew a tear from my eye 🙂

January 11, 2004

awwww how sweet!

You have lost an amazing amount of weight! Look, you have chest bones! :-p..cant wait to see mine! <3

January 11, 2004

That is awesome!

January 11, 2004

That was just a wonderful tribute to your brother.

What a wonderful entry. 🙂 That’s a great pic, too. “Why” isn’t an acceptable response to every statement anymore? Crap! *makes note*

January 12, 2004

I love this entry!!! I sure hope you share it with Kyle someday.

January 12, 2004

what a sweet and wonderful entry.

January 12, 2004

That is SO sweet!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 You are so lucky to have such a close relationship with your bro 🙂

My brother is my everything. They say that the good die young – I guess he’ll be around for ever huh? He did a shout out to me at the club the other night & I got a standing ovation. JUST FOR BEING RELATED. Sheesh. I love him anyways. HI C!! & CHESTY!! /kp

January 12, 2004

You two are adorable and this is a delight to read. And look at those enormous eyes you have! Be sure to save SOME face to go around them!

This is the best entry in the weekly theme section! I LOVE this! Love the timeline, love the humor, and mostly love the love. You guys look great.

January 20, 2004
