nip/tuck episode 2…

I talked to my plastic surgeon’s office and he wants to schedule a consultation when I reach 210 lbs (9 lbs away!). At that time, we’ll decide whether I’ll have a standard abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) or lower body lift:

Abdominoplasty (Avg. $4200, 2-4 weeks recovery)

Abdominoplasty (also known as a “Tummy Tuck”) is designed to flatten and smooth the abdomen. This procedure removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and may also tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. The result is a flatter, tighter tummy profile.Women with a stretched lower abdomen as a result of pregnancy can benefit considerably from abdominoplasty. It is recommended that they complete their child bearing before having this operation to prevent a recurrence of the stretched appearance.This operation is extraordinarily helpful to people who have lost an excessive amount of weight, such as after a gastric bypass operation. People whose skin has lost some elasticity and are slightly overweight can experience an improvement in their abdominal contour as well.

If you are in generally good physical shape but are concerned about abdominal fat deposits or loose skin that does not respond to diet and exercise, the procedure can potentially reduce or even eliminate a protruding abdomen.

Lower Body Lift (Avg: $6500, 4-6 weeks recovery)

Many people who have lost an excessive amount of weight elect to have a lower body lift. This procedure combines an abdominoplasty with a thigh and buttock lift. The result is a completely rejuvenated torso, thighs, and buttock area. It is the surgical equivalent of lifting your pants up from your hips to your waist. When the excess tissue of the back is removed as well as the abdominal panniculus, the skin of the lower body is lifted from its sagging position. This procedure is somewhat more extensive than the abdominoplasty alone, but leads to a dramatic improvement of the hips, buttocks and outer thighs.

I originally felt lower body lift was the best choice, but now I’m not so sure. Excess skin is only a major issue in my abdomen. Everything else is firming up nicely, so I may pass on the more complicated procedure. We’ll see what Dr. Liland thinks….but ultimately this is my decision. People have asked me how I feel about having a scar…my thought? I’d rather have a long scar than have to deal with tucking my excess skin into my jeans at goal weight. Besides, I can always wear a wide belt to cover it…24/7. LOL Remember Units from the 80s?


A group picture from the party…


My little brother and I making fat cheeks look good. Kyle is actually holding the camera, so please excuse the extreme close-up. LOL


Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!



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December 23, 2003

I shudder to think of the pain caused by those surgeries, but you’ll feel so much better without tucking in excess skin. 🙂 Kyle did good. 🙂

I love the picture of you & your brother. Your journey so far has been amazing to witness/read about. Always an inspiration.

December 23, 2003

The pictures are great, look at your skinny self!

December 23, 2003

omg, i loved those units. I had tons of them, multiples too. I was thin though when I wore then, I always wore the bandeu(sp?) tops. I thought I looked sexy.

December 23, 2003

Shut up about the fat cheeks! I think you look positively scupted. You should see the fat cheeks I inherited from my Norwegian grandmother…they would be excellent camoflague if I wanted to go anorexic because even when I am underweight I look well fed.

You look great and any procedure you decide, you deserve. You have truly held on and made a HUGE difference in your life and the life of soooo many others. I can never tell you what a gift you are to me. Be Blessed & SMOOCHES!!!

December 23, 2003

You are beautiful! Have a wonderful Christmas.

You all look great–what fun! Your brother is really cute, btw. (And I like the cheeks–on both of you!)

December 24, 2003

you are just a gorgeous girl.. way to go!! I think that whatever helps you along the way and is legal and comfortable to you…go for it! Merry Christmas!

December 24, 2003

What a tough decision to make. I know you’ll consider everything before doing so. Hey, thanks to you and A for the ornament. That was very sweet of you. We just got it today!