New Year Promise!

Yeah, I know…most people avoid making promises/resolutions because they end up being epic fail by Valentine’s Day. However, I am stubborn and will do what I want. *Cartman voice* Here’s the short and sweet version:

I will continue to stick my Weight Watchers (old faithful). The plan works for me (when I work it) and I can’t imagine jumping on board with anything else. While goal weight has eluded me over the years, I have been able to keep more than 1/2 of my original loss off and I’m proud of that. I’ve also decided that 2012 will be a fresh start for me with the program, so I am electing to hit their "reset" button on Wednesday. My past success on WW will no longer be documented in my weight book. I’ll start from Week 1 and continue from there. I will never forget my 400+ lb start weight and the amazing journey I had in the years following….but it’s time for a new journey…or Phase II, if you prefer. 

Accountability! I have been a bad blogger for YEARS and that must change. In my original journey, I posted my progress regularly and I think it helped keep my momentum and posting to the entire ‘net was some accountability for yo’ azz! LOL I’d get emails calling me out if I missed a post. That is what I need right now. Soooo…I cannot promise "real" blog entries, but I will post a weigh-in weekly…good or bad. You don’t even have to torture yourself by reading it. 

Fitness Events…I need lots of ’em! 2012 calendar is shaping up nicely. I’ll post them on the front page soon. 

Goals…I plan to focus on 10 lb increments…but the big goal for 2012 is 80 lbs. Very reasonable over 12 months, eh? It doesn’t leave too much room for 3-month long leaps off the wagon. 

I suppose that it’s for now. I just wanted to make you all aware of my plans (all 3 of you that still read me LOL). I hope you all have a blessed New Year! If you’d like to share your goals, please do so. No such thing as too much inspiration, my friends…


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January 1, 2012

I’m getting back in the pool! It doesn’t necessarily mean any triathlons this year, but it definitely mines triathlons NEXT year… and I’m holding myself to it! But I’m not counting myself out this year either… just not making any commitments at this exact moment. Other than the pool. And I’m going to dust off my bike… it’s collected about an inch of grime just sitting in my living room.

January 1, 2012

I am aiming for a sprint tri this year. First race since two babies!

January 1, 2012

🙂 Thats awesome and I love the cartman voice haha

January 1, 2012

Great goals. It’s good to see your post here. Happy New Year and Happy New Beginnings.

January 1, 2012

Since i came across you years ago, i don’t think i have missed an entry from you…I truly admire what you have done, and will read as long as you write!!! Have a great 2012:) *hugs*