Neverending Story…

Update on the job drama:

The HR rep is here and is conducting 1-on-1 meetings with the small group of agents. In my meeting, I was told repeatedly how valuable I was and they didn’t want to lose me…blah blah blah. They are going to counter offer. Facts and figures will be available tomorrow. I honestly have no desire to stay. Even if they offered me additional $, my sense of security is gone. I am in the fresh start mindset and I feel my time here has expired.

While I appreciate knowing that I’m considered a great employee, I wish they would respect the decision. I put a lot of thought into it…and management is acting like they can’t take no for an answer.

My reasons for not wanting the counter?

*Security-The HR rep and Operations coordinator both deny the rumors of an office closing in the fall. With one of our major accounts sinking in a sea of bankruptcy, why wouldn’t I question my own status? I’ve survived 2 major layoffs…my number has to come up at some point.

*Resentment from coworkers-There are 6 people wanting to leave. If we decide to stay, all of our coworkers will know they threw more $ at us. The same coworkers that haven’t received merit raises/bonuses since 9/11? Yeah…THAT will go over well. I’m not trying to get stabbed in the breakroom…thanks.

I’m a bit pissed that they are just keeping us here. Other employees give notice and are usually walked THAT DAY. I technically cannot leave until the end of my notice (8/9/02), so I’m stuck. I have a feeling that they’ll walk us tomorrow after the offers come across the table. We shall see…

The corporate world sucks…no wonder Mom told me to enjoy my childhood and not to be in a rush to grow up.

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Any HR consultant will tell you, that counter offers benefit the company, not you, in the long-run. Unless you are going to get something else to add to your credentials (i.e. certification, training, etc), you can always go somewhere else and get more $$$.

August 1, 2002

Too little, too late, eh? 😉 Oh well. The money is good in being adult.. usually. I would just be sort of smug knowing they are willing to throw more money at me in the same situation. Mind you it would take something earthshaking to actually have me stay in that case too.

August 2, 2002

I’m glad they are showing their appreciation to you and are prepared to counter, but stick to your guns. You need a job with more security and since you have it available to you, go for it. Take lots of your stuff home tonight so it’s easy to walk tomorrow.

stick to your guns