National Body Chaos!

Lordy…this morning was truly an experience. I went to my WW center for an 8:00am weigh-in. I lost my pre-Christmas gain and I’m back to my lowest recorded weight of 219.4 lbs. I am determined to see 215 by the end of the month. The 220s are so last year. :p

There was a new weigher at the center. When it was my time to weigh, she tried to give me shit for wanting to use my regular scale:

Diva: I want to weigh on that scale…
Scale Bitch: Well, no one works at that station on Saturdays, so I’m going to weigh you here.
Diva: I’ve weighed on that scale for almost 3 years. The other weighers have never had a problem coming down to this station to weigh me.
Scale Bitch: I’ll let you do it this time, but I’m also going to weigh you on another scale so you can see it’s exactly the same.
Diva: I don’t care if the reading is the same. I have been doing this for a long time and I’m comfortable here. Guess I’m a creature of habit…whatever works, right?
Scale Bitch: (After seeing my numbers) Wow, you’ve lost a great deal of weight…how wonderful for you.
Diva: Uh huh, thanks…

I hate having to break new people in! Especially this lady…she had that pompous “I lost 4 lbs total to reach goal and now I’m an expert” sneer.

After WW, Chesty and I headed to the Dallas Galleria for the challenge weigh-in. Oh my goodness…when we got to the 2nd level, there were already over 600 people lined up! We got there 90 minutes before the store opened and some of these people had been there since 6:30am. People were camped out like they were waiting for damn concert tickets. There were lawn chairs and blankets. The funny thing is that a lot of people were munching on pastries and drinking their fancy latte-with-a-triple-toe-loop-spin-combination drinks. LOL That’s it…load up on the sugar before you weigh-in. Anyway, Chesty and I decided we weren’t going to wait hours in the ridiculous line, so we left. While I did want some of the freebies, I don’t need the Bally’s membership and I think that’s what truly caused the mad rush of folks. Most people pick January to get fit, but some can’t afford to join a gym at that time because of post-Christmas finances. The challenge offered a free 3-month membership and people went apeshit. It was good to see so many diverse people ready to slim down…hopefully everyone keeps their commitment past the 3 month mark.

After the Galleria, we headed to LB so I could get dress pants for work. JerseyGirl returned my call while I was in the dressing room and we gabbed like normal. LOL I was just standing in my undies chatting away..until Jersey reminded me that I was in a dressing room and maybe we should talk later. :p

I walked out of the store with a nice pair of 14/16 slacks…love it, love it, love it. I guess that makes up for today’s drama. Of course, I don’t know what tonight will bring.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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Wow… I stumbled onto your diary from the front page, and I just wanted to say congrats and great job!

You are such an inspiration! I just joined WW – into my 2nd week now and have lost 4.4 lbs so far (Monday is my next weigh-in). My heightest weight ever was 382 but I weighed in at 370 when I joined. Now done to 366! I went online to join the Nat’l Body Challenge so I’m excited about what lies ahead. Sandi

January 10, 2004

am so glad you didn’t wait…now i don’t feel so bad for not waiting either. LOL

I’m not surprised you left. Folks had chairs where I was, too, and were getting out of line to get lattes from Starbucks, which blew my mind. It’s like they forgot those drinks had calories! The best part of the kit was the fitness and food journal and the membership to Bally’s, which is why everyone really came. Even size two chicks were in line to get the free membership. It was insane!

January 10, 2004

This is the first time I have read you and I can certainly appreciate the 14-16 pants since I have recently gone from an 18 to a 14–well, actually, it is not recent since it has taken me several months LOL

January 10, 2004

WAY TO GO CHICA!!! 🙂 You way less than I do now!!! *LOL* 🙂

January 10, 2004

I wonder what rate of speed the line will move at…20 people an hour?

January 10, 2004

There was a zoo in Columbus too, but they gave us index cards with a number on it, and so those people were guarenteed a freebie pack and didn’t have to stay in line forever. So…I went to Victoria Secret, bougt undies and THEN weighed in. Their scales were off, though. 🙂

January 10, 2004

I went and weighed in today at our local mall. Zoo was right. I waited about an hour before they handed out registration sheets and said you could fill it out, return it to them and weigh online if you didn’t want to stand in line (you would still get the Get Fit Kit in the mail). I waited another hour to get weight and even got interviewed for the local news! Way cool!

Wow, you are less than 50 lbs from goal – impressive as usual. And it kinda warms my heart to hear about all the peeps at the mall for the DHC.

January 10, 2004

LMAO! I’m a ritual girl too and I always weigh on the same WW scale.

Hi Diva! I have been following your progress. You are awesome! I weighed-in for the DH Challenge and waited in line for 3 hours, exactly! All we did was fill out the form, get weighed and told the kit/Bally’s membership would be mailed. I am pleased that I convinced my sister and MOM to join with me! Yeah!

January 10, 2004

what the hell was that woman thinking??!?! it’s not her perogative to tell you that both scales are the same and therefore you can only weight at her station. tell me there wasn’t blood shed — ’cause then I would have missed a good thing 😀

January 20, 2004

Long lines are the reason that I did not go.

January 23, 2004

I was so disappointed when I saw the lines in Seattle! I had to go to work, so I skipped the weigh-in, but I’m still doing the challenge. Down four pounds in almost two weeks! Love your diary!