My Quirks…

"miss catina"  tagged me…

My Quirks…

1. I round all of my checks up to the nearest dollar. I cannot stand $18.31…or $52.54…or $72.89!

2. I am obsessive about keeping my feet/toenails nice. I’ve been known to change polish 2-3 times per week. However, I bite my fingernails and struggle to keep them from looking gross.

3. I do not like salespeople to approach me at a store. I return their greeting and advise them in a firm (but courteous) tone that I am just looking and do not need any assistance. LOL I worked retail during college…you’d think I’d have more patience. Nope…just leave me alone. Thanks.

4. I can’t stand wet feet on a tile floor. Our PVR resort had tiled rooms…and I wore my sandals constantly.

5. If one more blogger states they need to "loose" weight, I will be forced to use my poison darts.

6. It irks me when some parents go overboard with their child’s pictures. This does NOT apply to any of Auntie Courtney’s kids. I’m talking about Janet in accounting. No bond with her or the rugrat…but she has to show me pictures every 3 weeks. Wow…Little Johnny still has an underbite…what a shame.

7. I’m a bath product junkie. At the moment, there are 14 different varieties of bubble bath/shower gel sitting around my tub. Must. Seek. Help.

8. I must have cool air blowing on me year round. I prefer the freezing room/warm comforter in the winter.

9. I will not eat lima beans due to a dead bug incident at Girl Scout resident camp…

10. I refuse to eat meat on the bone. I bit into a piece of chicken several years ago…hit the bone with my teeth and immediately tossed my cookies. While I still LOVE meat (not quite ready to join the vegans), the incident made me fully aware that I was eating an animal…and grossed me out. Boneless anything is fine. Yes, I’m in denial…but who isn’t?

Next 5 weirdos on the tag list:

Jersey Girl At Heart
apples and cherries

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September 4, 2005

I’m with you on 2, 3, 4

September 5, 2005
September 5, 2005

*giggles* I was going to tag our dear Lass.

Sister 1 & 2 is me ALL the way. Smooches…

Thats funny. I definately sensed the bath product obsession…lol There must be some sort of obsession around sephora???? You mention them a lot!! lol Not one in Canada around me, so I dont know…lolol (Jackie)

September 5, 2005

oh lawd. no pressure, right?