Murphy’s Law…

"If anything can go wrong, it will"

I’m going to try to make this a positive entry. First, a little bitching. After paying for my designer dog’s $1,783 emergency surgery ordeal last week, my truck started acting sick. Yesterday’s mechanic bill? $223. I’m a good girl. I’m not irresponsible with my money, so I have a bit of financial breathing room every month. Budgeting is in my blood (accountant’s kid). Ok…it’s safe to say that my breathing room is gone. Actually, I’m about to choke! I suppose I’m being punished for bragging about making my last truck payment last month. The Lord told me to be humble and I had to rub it in a few coworkers’ faces. October was supposed to be my sweeeeeeet month. No more $400 truck note…just blissful surplus. Oy vey! If this drama doesn’t end soon, I’m going to change the theme of my website and start catering to the "Chunky Girl-Working Hard to Get to Goal Weight-Still Has Some Trouble Spots" fetish crowd. There are a lot of freaks on the ‘net…it’s about time that I cash in.

Other stuff…

Work is still work. As you all know, I work for a major oil account. With gas prices being so ridiculous, I feel like a sellout everytime I hear someone complain about their latest trip to the pump. Whatever…it pays the bills. Our holiday party planning is in full swing, so my workload is crazy. Being on the activities committee is a blessing, though. I need a break from the usual corporate crap.

My Furkid (renamed Hermès Birkin due to his designer drama) is doing well. His staples will be removed this afternoon and I think all will be right in his doggie world.

Fitness…my workouts have truly suffered in the last week or so, but November will be different. Hopefully less drama? I plan to keep the intensity for the remainder of the year. I’ll evaluate things in January and determine what my next plan will be. I’d like to return to WW meetings after the holidays, but it won’t be a weekly thing. I know that sounds terrible, but my therapist is helping me get my food addiction under control…and WW meetings don’t provide the individual attention that I need. I miss Linda and all of the regulars, but I have to take care of ME.

Boys…Not a whole lot going on at the moment. J and I still talk on a regular basis…and things are weird at times. I can’t elaborate here, Miss Tontoy. LOL

Babies…Contrary to popular belief, I’m not yearning for my own child right now! I love children…always have…but I’m not sure if I’ll go down that road myself. I’m only 28 years old…I still have time! For now, I’m satisified being Auntie Courtney to several precious boys & girls across the state of Texas.

Well…that’s it for now. Today’s plan is a trip to the salon for hair and brows (caterpillars are not cute) and do a small bit of necessary shopping. *tightening my belt*

Hope everyone has a great weekend…

C is for Cruising the ‘net for Sugar Daddies…

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October 29, 2005

*makes giant note to quietly celebrate freedom from debt*

October 29, 2005

argh! hit button before i was done!! TOTALLY understand the WW decision. I don’t see myself going back. I hate to say it. I know it works, and I want to get back to my pre-chicago weight, but WW (the meetings/the company) just doesn’t do it for me.

October 29, 2005

Well…the $1600 you’ll save in truck payments over the next four months will help pay for these bills. Your ability to manage money and look after the big ticket things gave you the room to save your wonderful pet. Be proud of yourself and your ability to provide.

October 29, 2005

I am so relieved that Bentley is on the mend. I have been away from my computer for awhile–out of town and then spent the last several days intensely nursing my poor sick cat, who lost her battle yesterday. I worried about Bentley the whole time….

You are a fool!! Yes, Sister, I understand your financial pain. Have fun shopping! Smooches…

October 29, 2005

I love how you can sound totally positive even after those two bills. 🙂

October 30, 2005

man that is a huge burden for one month.

October 30, 2005

So C does NOT stand for Cash Flow at the moment…..that’s ok, you’ll bounce back. Love you girl, I feel like I haven’t talked/noted you in forever! Are you still as obsessed with ANTM as I am?

October 31, 2005

RYN: Kim all the way.

Girl you are so funny! You know I have been wondering about you two! I am glad the doggie is doing better, he is such a cutie! Tontoy 242/229/170~!!!

October 31, 2005

great updates!