Movin’ on up…

Work was generous enough to give me vacation for the rest of the week. Hooray! Now I can finish packing/cleaning without stress. I thought I was going to have to pull a “Lisa”, but no Oscar-worthy drama required.

Speaking of Lisa…when is this heifer going to be sent home? I can’t deal with the whining any longer. Shame on NBC for keeping her to boost ratings. I secretly wanted her to fall off the bike during the challenge and be sent home due to medical reasons. I know, I know…terrible thing to say. OH WELL.

Dre handled herself like a champ and girlfriend looks fabulous!

A couple of coworkers approached me about having a fitness challenge in January. I’d like to set something up based on pounds/inches lost, workouts, and overall fitness. All participants will donate $20 each for the prize money…to be awarded by a judge of our choice. While I plan to take part in the actual challenge, I’m going to remove myself from prize eligibility. Why? At the risk of sounding like an arrogant heifer, I don’t want anyone to be “intimidated” by my presence during the event. We all know I am far from perfect, but a lot of my coworkers see me as a fitness guru. I’d hate for anyone to sit out because they question their own fitness abilities when compared to mine.  Does that make sense?

Time to return to BoxLand. The ol ‘puter will be packed up tonight. I’ll be offline during the move, but I’ll check in asap. Hope everyone has a great day!




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December 8, 2004

Yay for the rest of the week off, awesome!! I have to say I’m really glad that Mo wasn’t eliminated last night. I am gonna’ hate to see him go.

I understand removing yourself from prize eligibility. You are a fitness guru/diva! As for Biggest Loser, I’m ready for that crazy chick to go home, too. I just hope that Mo kicks it into high gear and takes them all out! When I saw Dre’s after, I got so motivated to reach goal. She looks awesome! Good luck with moving. Lynn

I really wanted Dre to be there until the end. And I really wanted to slap Lisa’s whining face silly. Bad! I know! Bad! Still want to slap her though. Have fun moving, Chica!!

December 8, 2004

Dre looks soooo good! We all can do this! If she can, why can’t I?

I ordered the tankini! I’m so excited! God knows how long it will be before I can fit into a size 14, but for that price, it is a good motivational tool! Thanks!

December 8, 2004

Your decision of removing yourself from the challenge is totally understandable, and quite unselfish in your part… and oh, wohooo for the rest of the week off!!!

December 8, 2004

I would have been on my lips if we’d played the drinking game last night, but alas, I was getting in the rest of my H20 in while watching…so sad Drea is gone, but she *does* look fab. Yay for junk in the trunk!!

December 8, 2004

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you can’t be computerless! nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo heehee 😉 i actually watched Biggest Loser and was so impressed by how Dre handled her return home…and that after pic!!! holy cow!

December 8, 2004

i despise lisa. she irritates me to no end. did i mention that i have 15 minutes with the casting directors on monday? not the huge cattle call … but a nice private screening. =)

December 8, 2004

good moving

December 9, 2004

i’d love to be a part of your fitness challenge… too bad we don’t work together! how awesome does dre look??? i can’t stand lisa! boot her ass off!

December 9, 2004

I sooo wanted Dre to stay because I think she has an awesome attitude and she kicks ass. Lisa is such a whiner and annoys me. I’m praying she doesn’t win because I don’t think she deserves it. She’s sneaky.

December 9, 2004

I totally understand you would intimidate me in a fitness challenge,

I was proud of Dre too, but was her dress “really” a size 8? After that episode, I was in the GYM!! Literally working my buttom off! Sitting out is good C. I’m glad you are mindful of others. My butt would have been like, “WHATEVER!” Smooches…

December 15, 2004

oh my god, dre looks great!! i sooo need to get back into working out and stuff. its just hard with this new insulin meds. hate it..but oh well. i gotta get back into the swing of things. i hate feeling *blah*.

December 23, 2004

Dre looks HOT! Good for her!