Motivation…at Wal Mart?!?

Chesty and I were grocery shopping yesterday. I get to the counter and do my usual glance over the magazines. Guess what I see? The special weight loss edition of People magazine. Now, any other time I would have snatched it up…but this was the issue that I was interviewed for…and it hurts! The 3 ladies on the cover have all lost over 100 lbs. So…what gives? It’s obvious…they are now thin and sitting pretty at goal weight. I have lost some serious poundage…but I’m still fat. That doesn’t sell too many magazines.

[Edit to add: Fotki is down right now, so you’ll have to see the photo of the lucky heifers on the mag site] 

Skipping surgery, fads and tricks, nine once-obese women take their own approaches to paring the pounds – and savor the triumph of slimming down to half their size

So…needless to say, I am using this learning experience as fuel for the furnace. I’m still terrified to step on WW scale on Saturday, but it has to be done. Whatever the number is, I’ll take responsibility for the gain and move forward.

Who knew Wally World could be inspiring?


Have a great Sunday…


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wait you were interviewed for a magazine? ashly

January 2, 2005


Maybe the cover of WW mag is where you’re destined to be?

January 2, 2005

Next year.

January 2, 2005

I admire your spirit…forget the People cover…go for Vogue.

January 2, 2005

People magazine is just a high class tabloid anyway. I agree–go for the gold with a magazine that really matters. (But I understand that it hurts.)

I was really depressed over the holidays and then I thought: this same time last year, I was 45 pounds heavier and couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs without having pain. What the hell am I complaining about? You are so close. What is 40 more pounds after you have lost 200.

Hi, Im a member of the Soww forums and I must say congradulations on your WL. Im on the east team…but I still believe in encouraging my sisters. Good luck. May we all win. Tammy aka MStar260 Ps.. I must get that

January 2, 2005


January 2, 2005

Screw “People” and Maury… we’re holding out for OPRAH!!! And we WILL strut our diva selves…. hopefully BEFORE I get knocked up ;> *LOL*

Hey! I’ve read your OD for quite awhile but have never had my OD. But I do now and I just wanted to say you are an inspiration to me and you’ve helped me get motivated on my own weight loss journey that I’ve begun

January 2, 2005

You are much more inspiring to us than any ol’ magazine.

Thank C! Smooches…

January 2, 2005

You are already an inspiration to so many people. You will reach your goals. I have faith in you.

January 2, 2005

You have a great Sunday as well!

YOU ARE NOT FAT!!!! YOU ARE AMAZING! I get more inspiration from YOU than I got from any of those biatches. Let me just tell you.

I have to say that I have read your diary for a long time b/c you are inspiring. I am not much of a noter but I read. And you help me to know that there are alot of people out there that struggle with their weight like I do.

January 2, 2005

you know, People Mag is a crock of shit for pulling this! i’m going to write them and tell them they suck

January 2, 2005

I think we should start pushing for Oprah….!

I hear you Courtney. You have done an amazing thing. You will be at your goal this year. Step on the scale…Its hard, but you need the reality check. Im going over to mine in a minute… 🙁 We think youre worthy of a cover, even if People (Jackie)

OPRAH ! …’nuf said. Lisa

January 3, 2005

I swear I read a magazine a year or so ago that had weight-loss success stories, and not all the women were magazine thin. …then again, it was probably WW magazine. Heehee. Those bahstads at People.–

January 3, 2005

I actually thought of you when I saw it in Walmart! And then of course I totally had to buy it. I’m back on program hardcore as of today…goal for 2005 is to drop an additional 75 pounds. Wish me luck! And send me some of your exercize good thoughts!

January 4, 2005

RYN: Yep, we’re still on!

Don’t sweat it Courtney. You already have an audience. And we adore you!!!!

I grabbed that magazine, too. I love that those girls did it with good old-fashioned hard work! I’m sorry you didn’t make it, too. But, as everyone else has said–you must be destined for better things! cherrylifesaver

January 5, 2005

Last night on our local news there was a story about diets and how WW is the only one who can back their plan up with facts. YEAH WW.