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July 25, 2002

what, i’m not an automatic shoe-in to drool at xXx?!?!? oh, yeah, probably not since I’m BROKE. I’ll just drool when the commercials come on.

where did you find taht appetizing picture of my baby?

July 25, 2002

Bah. Everyone always drools over the thick guys. :p 😉

Isn’t HE nice. Looks like I’m going to the movies and leaving my Beloved at home. 🙂

Thanks. I cant stop drolling haha Damn he is hot.

July 26, 2002

Well, I HAVE wanted to come see the Dallas area…. 🙂

DROOLLLLLLLINGGGGGGGGGGG,lol. Hey I will be moving to Bowie or Decatur TX around Aug 9th :-). I will only be 2 hrs away from Dallas .I love the new look of the dairy and girlfriend I am so proud of you for doing as well as you have.You have been an inspiration 🙂

Although in my 30’s, I’m not dead yet. Since he’s 35, I figure I have shot (yeah right!). I loved him in The Fast and The Furious.