Middle o’ the Week…

Hey Kiddies!

It’s been a week, so I figured I’d check in. Life is going very well…despite being overworked. Summer is supposed to be the slow time in corporate travel…and my account is going the opposite way. I’m tired of the involuntary OT and ridiculous workload. :::Going to my happy place:::


Surely I can get through 2 measly weeks without stabbing anyone, right?  Of course I can! Just 2 weeks…and I’ll be away from computers/phones. I don’t know if I mentioned it, but we purposely booked a long layover in San Juan for the return flight. Just enough time to grab lunch and shop. The trip will be great…and to deal with my STT separation anxiety, we’ll be heading to Puerto Vallarta 2 months later. LOL Some days I love being a travel agent.

Speaking of PVR, check out the resort we’re staying at…

What else is going on…STT Bootcamp is great. I feel my absolute best when eating is clean and my workouts are intense. Since the St Thomas trip falls in the middle of my bike training, I have a small plan of attack for the resort. LOL I’ll post it after I determine if it was a success.

Chesty and I have added another fitness event to our schedule. The Peach Pedal is July 9th. We’re aiming for the 40-mile ride…but we’ll scale down to the 27 mile course if the heat is ridiculous. I’m focusing on the longer ride because I’d like to upgrade to the 40-mile ride for LAF in October. Speaking of the Lance Armstrong Foundation, I’ll be posting my annual beg-a-thon pledge drive soon…so be prepared!

 Well…I’m off to another 6am spinning class. Godiva tried to kill us on Sunday…the Lord’s Day! Shame…

Hope you all are having a great week…

-C is for Countdown to the Virgin Islands…




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June 8, 2005

That resort is absolutely breathtaking!

June 8, 2005

That resort is gorgeous!!!! You are so lucky.

June 8, 2005

Hey there… That resort looks amazing! I am glad that your workouts are going successfully. The bike ride looks like it will be fun. Take care of yourself.

I’m so jealous…and that’s all i have to say about that. (that and HAVE FUN!!!)

June 8, 2005

Pshaw, that resort’s just (fabulousgorgeousluxurious) okay. I mean, it looks like it could even be a shameful four-and-a-half star place. Such low standards. 😉 Okay, that will be the last you’ll hear of my envy! 🙂 I do feel really good when I’m eating cleanly and working out. Yet strangely, I choose to forget that at the oddest moments.–

June 8, 2005

This might be the first time I say this, but have I ever mentioned how much I HATE YOU! I wanna travel!!!! I want to go to St. Thomas, adn that beautiful resort at Puerto Vallarta. You suck, a lot! lol. (shake ’em haters off)

Lucky! We were just at the Royal Decameron in PV last month and it was FABULOUS… you’ll love it there!

June 8, 2005

The resort looks A W E S O M E! You’ll make it… I’ll keep CNN on for any breaking news, though 😉

June 8, 2005

It’s so beautiful! If I didn’t love you so much I’d be insanely jealous and hate you! hahaha Have the BEST time, you deserve it Court.

I’m soooo jealous. CAL is going back home to St. Thomas July 1st. He asked me if I wanted to go. I was like, PLEASE, what kind of question is that. Of COURSE I want to go! So, I HATE all of you! Go to the Virgin Islands, WHO CARES! Smooches…

June 8, 2005

I can’t WAIT to come and see you in the big D….I just have to get back on Weight Watchers so I won’t be ashamed of myself the whole time! hahaha Seriously though, that should be my new goal…get to -50, get to go visit Court. Sounds like a plan!

omg! that looks amazing!!!

how did you get this great job? Do you have a college degree? I am a teacher and would love to become a travel agent!

June 9, 2005

I am considering sewing my mouth closed…. as an easier method to losing weight.

Nooo! I missed it. I love Def poetry jam. My crazy butt feel asleep. I’m going to try to catch it on monday night. I wish it would show up on HBO Demand. I hard she looks good.

June 12, 2005

Lord, look what Ginger and I did! Cat