Mardi Gras ’03

The trip was a BLAST! I always have fun, but this year went above and beyond.


-Arrived at the hotel around 9:00am…checked in early and promptly went to sleep.

-Headed to the Quarter for lunch (I’m not going to get into details about the food. Just know that we had plenty of local favorites and I expect a 5 lb gain…LOL) and some shopping (purchased the mandatory feather boas).

-Spent the evening at Daiquiris…got sloppy drunk on their 32oz specialties. Friend Roxie begins ridiculous flirting with a local…”I love his accent” Editor’s note: A ripe blend of southern twang and swamp trash.


-Too hungover to catch the morning parades. Did not get Zulu coconut…too buzzed to care.

-Lunch at Pat O’s…hurricanes are superb, as usual. Waiter is gay as a $2 bill…definitely makes lunch chat interesting. Share Key Lime pie with TheLass…wondering why I even bother to split it…the scale damage has already been done at this point.

-More shopping, stumbling around the Quarter.

-Dinner at Bubba Gump’s. Louisiana Lemonade works slowly…but when it kicks in my eyes begin to cross. Order a bucket of their famous tenders. Chesty insists that we all take a shot. I have tequila…and a sexy hole in my throat. The waiter is blatantly flirting with Chesty…she doesn’t think he’s cute, so we don’t get our bill comped (dammit). Before leaving, Chesty hops up to go potty and ends up in the men’s room. She comes out and skips into the women’s restroom. A red-faced guy comes out of the men’s room and just grins at our table. Chesty said she saw him peeing, but wonders what the big deal is…LOL

-Head to the Quarter after dinner. Collect massive amounts of beads. I got groped a couple of times in the crowd, but nothing newsworthy. Chesty flashed twice…her surgeon would be so proud. Bourbon street was insane (as usual) and I think TheLass saw more than she bargained for.

-Met up with Chesty’s coworkers in the FQ and decide to go into a club. I don’t recall the name…details are fuzzy at this point. The DJ played some good R&B tunes, so everyone had a great time. To shake up the mix, he plays “Pour Some Sugar On Me”. I laugh through the entire song because all I hear is “shook up Ramen” from the T-Mobile commercial. LOL

-Head back to the hotel around 2am and hang out in the lounge playing cards. Well, the rest of the gang plays…I’m sitting on the couch trying to recover. Guy from Canada comes over and sits with us. He’s at the hotel for a conference. Very strange dude. I ask him if he says “a-boot” instead of “a-bout”. He says only a certain part of Canada says it…and he’s not from there. However, it slips out several minutes later. I watched Degrassi High, therefore I’m an expert on Canadian accents.


-More shopping…head to the cemetary for pictures…leave after 30 minutes due to burning smell that we swear is flesh.

-Stop at Walgreen’s for orange juice…head back to hotel to chug mimosas…classy bunch.

-Take evening “Haunted History” tour. Our guide was great! Definitely learned a lot about the FQ. If you ever go to Orleans, I recommend taking the tour.


-Check out of hotel…breakfast from Cafe Du Monde…take a few more pictures…and hit the road. Chesty discovered a route that cut an hour off of the drive time…go girl.

I left out quite a bit…but these are the basics. We all had a wonderful time and plans are in the making for a return trip in September for my 26th birthday…and MG 2004 in February, of course. While I’m sure I’ll pay for my trip splurges, I really don’t care. It’s only once a year, right? :p

continue for pictures————————–>

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March 8, 2003

now see….just HOW could you forget a club name like “The Gold Mine”?? LMAO, don’t ask how I remember because I’m about as fuzzy as you.

sounds like so much fun…you have no idea how jealous i am…i will get to mardi gras…i WILL get to mardi gras…