
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I’m wearing a green bra and panties today. How is that for TMI in the top o’ the mornin’?

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=250 align=right border=1

Breakfast (7:30am)
Egg beaters w/turkey sausage-4pts

AM snack (10:00am)
Lowfat Graham Crackers-2pts

Lunch (12:30pm)
Whole Wheat tortilla-3pts
Grilled chicken-3pts
Black beans-2pts

Afternoon snack (3:30pm)
Cottage cheese-2pts

Dinner (6:30pm)
Baked Pork Chop-6pts
Garlic potatoes-2pts

PM snack (8:00pm)
Blue Bunny Strawberry Lite-2pts

Total Daily Points: 29
Workout: 60 min. track

I must brag about my extreme willpower last night. As you know, I’m on the activities committee at work. Our SPD (not to be confused with STD) festivities will kick off with breakfast for the office. We’re serving Lucky Charms…cute, eh? One committee member when to the store and purchased 10 gallons of milk, bowls, and spoons.  Another purchased Bennigan’s gift cards for drawings throughout the day. What did Coco Faboo get stuck with? Buying 16 boxes of Lucky Charms at Wally World! I looked like a damn freak in the store. People kept eyeing my basket and I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled (while mumbling obscenities under my breath).

Cereal isn’t a big deal to me. I’ll be eating my normal (healthy) breakfast like a trained (chubby) seal. The temptation? I also had to pick up 10 dozen Loft House frosted cookies. If you don’t know about them, consider yourself lucky. These little bastards are the devil. Seriously…Lucifer’s snacks.  Enough sugar to put anyone into a coma…and I used to eat an entire dozen in a few minutes. Oy vey…



So…I had to spend the night with Luckies and Lofties. I’m not trying to be dramatic *ahem*, but I swear the cookies talked to me last night. I ignored them and emerged this morning victorious! :::cue Eye of the Tiger CD:::


Special shoutout to my fellow “spirited” folks…WW created a nice little chart for us. Print it…laminate it…put it in your purse/wallet…take it out during happy hour and calculate everyone’s drink. Life of the Par-tay. 


 Beer, light 12 fl oz

 Beer, non-alcoholic 12 fl oz

 Beer, regular 12 fl oz

 Daiquiri, peach, frozen (Bacardi) 2 fl oz

 Eggnog 2 fl oz

 Gin 1.5 fl oz

 Gin and tonic 5 fl oz

 Margarita, frozen (Bacardi) 2 fl oz

 Rum 1.5 fl oz

 Rum runner, frozen (Bacardi) 2 fl oz

 Sangria 4 fl oz

 Scotch 1.5 fl oz

 Tequila 1.5 fl oz

 Vodka 1.5 fl oz

 Whiskey 1.5 fl oz

 Wine, light 8 fl oz

 Wine, red or white 5 fl oz

 Wine, spritzer 8 fl oz


Hope everyone has a great day…don’t forget your green!



fl oz

 Wine, spritzer 8 fl oz


Hope everyone has a great day…don’t forget your green!



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March 17, 2005

Eye of the tiger? Girl, I’m cracking up at my desk at work!!!!

March 17, 2005

That’s no small feat. Congrats on the willpower!

March 17, 2005

Whoo Hoo, you defeated the devil cookies!!!

thatsa wesome@@@ I am trying to have the willpower like that and ive been succeeding today..LOL

I know those damned cookies. The first time I tasted them, I thought they tasted like sugar and lard mixed together. Not a pleasant thing..yet I kept eating them..and nibbling…and tasting…and the taste of sugar and lard grew on me, literally and figuratively until I had consumed most of the package! Your are indeed a strong woman! Happy SPD!

Hahaha, great entry. 🙂

March 17, 2005

I don’t know how you do it! HELLO?!? Can you pass some of your strength/willpower this way! Those damn girl scout cookies have been killing me!

March 17, 2005

LMAO…i’ll play Eye of the Tiger just for you! hmmmm, sangria is 2pts per 4oz. have i mentioned i lurv sangria? 😀

March 17, 2005

I’ve been doing WW for 9 weeks now (it’s coming off slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly), and your OD has been such an inspiration. That list will come in handy!

March 17, 2005

Good for you, avoiding the cookie-crack. Woo hooooo! Big pat on the back. Lucky Charms, hm? What else did you guys serve? I had my healthy breakfast too, but must negotiate the dangerous baked potato potluck at noon…..mmmmmm linette

March 17, 2005

glad i’m not the only one cookies are talking to. happy st patty’s day 🙂

March 17, 2005


Damn girl you resisted the frosted cookies.. you are the sh!t. I couldn’t do it. Can’t even go near em in the grocery store, they call my name! Happy St. Patty’s day. Jaime

March 17, 2005

ohh man now I have that cookie and that song in my head lol.. happy st. patty’s day smiles lol

March 18, 2005


I adored this entry. “Lucifer’s snacks!” That cracked me up–especially since I know of the cookies you’re talking about. They’re so, so difficult to resist. Kudos. =)