Lowfat Cheesecake Recipe

From Oxygen Magazine:

*3 packages of fat-free cream cheese, softened
*3/4 cup Splenda
*1 teaspoon vanilla extract
*4 egg whites
*1/3 cup graham cracker crumbs
*1 1/2 cups strawberries, sliced
*non-stick, fat-free cooking spray

1. With an electric mixer, combine the cream cheese, Splenda and vanilla until they’re well blended.
2. Add egg whites and blend them into the cream cheese mixture; do not overmix.
3. Spray a 9-inch pie plate with cooking spray. Add some cooking spray to the graham cracker crumbs (until they’re moist and dark), and mix them together.
4. Pack the crumbs into the bottom and sides of the pie plate and pour in cream cheese mixture.
5. Bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes or until center has almost set.
6. Remove from the oven and let the cake cool. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours. Top with strawberries and serve.

Makes 10 servings
POINTS per serving: 2
Nutritional info: 95 calories, 1.2 g FAT, 11.5g PRO, 8.9g CARB, 5.4g CHOL

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thank you. 🙂

Ok the use of Splenda makes me think it might be safe for diabetics…is this true? I would kill for some cheesecake!

RYN: LOL I know splenda is safe I was wondering if the REST of the cheesecake was diabetic safe. Because…hang on

Yeah, don’t graham crackers have sugar in them? I have gestational diabetes and they’re not letting me have ANYTHING with real sugar in it. I guess I have it pretty badly. But … yeah is the whole cheesecake diabetic friendly? Just curious… lol dying for some sweets!

*averts eyes* no more anything with the word “cheesecake” in it, even if it is preceded by the words “low” and “fat” …

Yumm!!! Fat-free Cream cheese?? I don’t think they make that here in Australia! We have “light”..must go check out the dairy case when I shop. Regardless, I think I need to adjust the points and give it a go. Thanks for the recipe!

I’ll have to give this one a whirl, sounds delicious!