LOL This is too easy…

Cultured Containers has developed the BananaBunker® to protect this delicate fruit from bruising when placed in your backpack, nap sack, soft carrying case, or briefcase. The container also protects your backpack’s valuable contents, such as CD players, textbooks, binders, and business documents.

Whether you are on a hiking trip, day trip, athletic event, between classes, or at a board meeting, the BananaBunker® will keep your fruit safe until you are ready to snack. Go ahead, eat healthy!

BananaBunker® fits small and medium sized Bananas Aww…Magnum bananas get left out…

Talk amongst yourselves…


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*raises eyebrow* LOL

June 12, 2005


LOL Uhh…ok.

I think I’ll get one for everyone on my Christmas list! lol

June 12, 2005


June 12, 2005

That’s funny.

OH.MY.GOD! LOL! That was awesome.

June 12, 2005

It looks…..obscene….lol! I am allergic to bananas. Linette

June 12, 2005

Now I have to admit—I seen the picture before the rest of the page loaded.. I was like “Wow, C! Go girl!” I was disappointed to see that it was a wholesome product instead of a nice piece of …ahem.. entertainment! Ha!

June 13, 2005

Good God… you don’t even want to know what the hell I thought that was, before I read the entry! hahahaha!

June 13, 2005

Oh my lord, I was absolutely certain that it was one of those cleverly-disguised dildos! Oh my. Clearly the banana bunker can also double as a kind of inkblot test, mm? Sex on the brain —>

June 13, 2005

LOL! That was comic relief for Monday morning! Take care.

I am thinking the only thing missing from the design is a couple of cups on either side of the stem end – You know, for grapes!!!

June 13, 2005

Jersey Girl at Heart and I think along the same lines. I was surprised to see something like that on your diary before I had read your entry. Wouldn’t you like to have one just to see people’s reactions to it?

Oh my goodness… *covers my eyes*

June 13, 2005

uh ummm uh…i’ll just keep my mouth shut. lmao

June 13, 2005

I can think of another thing it can carry. : )

June 13, 2005

lol. now i know how to spend my fortune.

June 13, 2005

Oh my dear god…. I won’t go there.

Oh my goodness, this is wayyy too funny. LOL…leave it up to you C! Smooches…

June 14, 2005

RYN: yup yup! would you stab me with a fork if i said i wasn’t going to ride…but will come cheer ya on? (not that i’ve decided)

June 14, 2005


well i must say that really brought a smile to my face…until you stated what it was. i was a little disappointed however it does leave alot to the imagination doesnt it. well done you for finding it :0) carol,